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Early Childhood and Trauma Resources

One of the major benefits of collaboration through the National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day Initiative is to have access to resources from other organizations addressing children's mental health issues. As a part of our current focus on early childhood, resources have been collected from national organizations' and federal agencies' Web sites to address early childhood mental health.

The resources include tip sheets, toolkits, guides, activity books, interactive multimedia, and more. Most of the resources listed also include links to resources in other languages, such as Spanish.

This listing of non-Federal resources is not all-inclusive. Inclusion on the listing does not constitute an endorsement by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or the Department of Health and Human Services.

We appreciate the support of the Awareness Day Collaborating Organizations in the development of the resource list. For more resources beyond what is included in this list, please visit the individual web sites' of the Awareness Day Collaborating Organizations at

Definitions of Trauma and Resilience

For a copy of the technical assistance piece, Early Childhood Mental Health Resources List, please email

Resources are divided in to two parts and address the following:

Part I: Comprehensive Early Childhood Web Sites

Part II: Topic Specific Resources

Part III: Trauma Resources

Click here for trauma and resilience tips to use when planning and hosting your activity or event to best help parents, guardians and caregivers in your community learn how to build resilience in children and youth dealing with trauma.

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