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Table 2.5
Top 40 Foreign Countries Visited by U.S. Residents for Overnight Travel: 2000–2004

(Thousands of visits)

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Rank in 2004 Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Percentage change, 2000–2004
1 Mexico 19,285 18,623 18,501 17,566 19,370 0.4
2 Canada 15,188 15,570 16,168 14,232 15,056 –0.9
3 United Kingdom 4,189 3,383 3,229 3,252 3,692 –11.9
4 France 2,927 2,626 2,223 1,883 2,407 –17.8
5 Italy 2,148 1,944 1,661 1,638 1,915 –10.9
6 China 2,308 2,146 2,223 1,540 1,805 –21.8
  People's Republic of China 1,476 1,414 1,474 1,051 1,067 –27.7
  Hong Kong 832 732 749 489 738 –11.3
7 Germany 2,309 1,894 1,591 1,540 1,750 –24.2
8 Jamaica 886 1,313 983 1,492 1,258 42.0
9 Japan 1,262 1,060 1,287 1,051 1,067 –15.5
10 Bahamas 913 555 796 1,418 1,012 10.8
11 Dominican Republic NA 1,338 1,100 929 957 –28.5
12 Netherlands 1,101 858 866 831 930 –15.5
13 Spain 1,262 1,010 866 929 903 –28.5
14 Ireland 725 757 562 562 738 1.8
17 Costa Rica 295 379 398 489 629 113.0
17 India 457 454 398 416 629 37.8
17 Republic of China (Taiwan) 671 656 632 489 629 –6.3
19 Australia 698 833 562 562 602 –13.8
19 Brazil 671 606 491 611 602 –10.4
20 South Korea 779 530 608 513 574 –26.2
21 Switzerland 994 707 562 611 520 –47.7
24 Colombia 242 328 304 318 438 81.1
24 Greece 457 429 328 293 438 –4.1
24 Philippines 457 429 234 269 438 –4.1
27 Austria 564 404 304 367 410 –27.2
27 Peru 322 303 281 269 410 27.3
27 Thailand 376 404 398 342 410 9.1
28 Czech Republic 269 278 211 220 356 32.6
30 Argentina 376 303 187 318 328 –12.7
30 New Zealand 457 480 257 293 328 –28.1
32 El Salvador 161 303 328 245 301 86.7
32 Belgium 457 353 328 220 301 –34.1
33 Ecuador NA 252 164 220 274 8.7
35 Singapore 457 328 374 220 274 –40.1
35 Turkey 322 404 304 245 274 –15.1
37 Poland 269 278 187 220 246 –8.3
37 South Africa 134 126 117 171 246 83.3
37 Sweden 295 278 164 171 246 –16.7
40 Chile 188 227 164 171 219 16.4
40 Denmark 242 227 117 196 219 –9.5
40 Norway 134 202 94 98 219 63.0
40 Trinidad/Tobago1 NA 126 187 220 219 73.3

1 Percent change and average annual growth rate for Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Trinidad/Tobago are from 2001-2004 as 2000 data are not available.

NOTE: Numbers are based on an estimation procedure. Identical or similar rankings are the result of the source estimation methodology.

KEY: NA = data are not available.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, "U.S. Resident Travel Abroad: Historical Visitation Outbound: 1994-2004," available at as of August 2005.

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