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Table 1.1
Travel Between the United States and Foreign Countries: 2000–2004

(Thousands of visits)

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  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Percent change, 2000–2004 Average Annual growth Rate (percent) 2000–2004
TOTAL 367,122 346,916 335,927 320,891 338,132 –7.9 –2.0
Outbound from the United States 171,696 163,846 158,126 146,217 153,455 –10.6 –2.8
Inbound to the United States 195,426 183,070 177,801 174,674 184,677 –5.5 –1.4
NORTH AMERICA1 314,294 299,834 293,413 278,413 290,459 –7.6 –2.0
Overnight2 59,735 59,287 59,134 54,990 60,181 0.7 0.2
U.S. residents to Canada 15,188 15,570 16,168 14,232 15,056 –0.9 –0.2
U.S. residents to Mexico 19,285 18,623 18,501 17,566 19,370 0.4 0.1
Canadian residents to the United States 14,666 13,527 13,025 12,666 13,849 –5.6 –1.4
Mexican residents to the United States 10,596 11,567 11,440 10,526 11,906 12.4 3.0
Same-day 254,559 240,547 234,279 223,423 230,278 –9.5 –2.5
U.S. residents to Canada 28,805 27,301 24,710 21,277 19,539 –32.2 –9.2
U.S. residents to Mexico 81,565 77,103 75,350 68,690 72,139 –11.6 –3.0
Canadian residents to the United States 28,000 24,481 21,534 21,486 22,191 –20.7 –5.6
Mexican residents to the United States 116,189 111,662 112,685 111,970 116,409 0.2 0.0
North America share of total (percent) 85.6 86.3 87.3 86.8 85.9    
OVERSEAS OVERNIGHT3 52,828 47,082 42,514 42,478 47,673 –9.8 –2.5
Outbound from the United States 26,853 25,249 23,397 24,452 27,351 1.9 0.5
Inbound to the United States 25,975 21,833 19,117 18,026 20,322 –21.8 –6.0

1 North American data in this table are different from and should not be compared with the land border-crossing data in table 3.3. These data cover visits by residents and/or citizens of the United States, Canada, and Mexico to and from the United States, while data in table 3.3 cover only the number of border crossings into the United States regardless of residency or citizenship.

2 U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico overnight data presented in this table are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries. Throughout this report, U.S. Department of Commerce data are used for overall overnight visitor totals, while Canadian and Mexican sources are used for mode of transportation and trip purpose reporting. Data for table 3.1 are provided by Canadian and Mexican government agencies who make adjustments and revisions to their data at the modal level. Subsequently, the overall overnight travel totals provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce will differ from those in table 3.1.

3 The aggregate figures for overseas visits differ from the sum of visits to or from individual regions because a single outbound visit by a U.S. resident is counted once as an "overseas" visit but could be attributed to multiple regions. Overseas travel excludes travel to Canada and Mexico. Outbound refers to U.S. residents traveling overseas and inbound refers to foreign residents traveling to the United States.

NOTES: 2000-2003 inbound data revised for Canada and Mexico only.

Overnight = one or more nights spent on travel.

SOURCES: Overnight—U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, "Arrivals to the U.S. 1997-2004," and "U.S. Resident Travel Abroad: Historical Visitation—Outbound 1990-2004 (One or More Nights)," available at as of August 2005.

Same-day—Statistics Canada, International Travel: Travel Between Canada and Other Countries (Touriscope), Catalogue No. 66201 -XIE (Ottawa, Ontario: various years). Statistics Canada. Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics Division, special tabulations (Ottawa, Ontario: various years). Banco de México. Dirección General de Investigación Económica. Dirección de Medición Económica, special tabulations (Mexico City, D.F.: various years).

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