Updated: 17-Dec-2003 NATO Audio files


Press Conferences


Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

17 December Farewell speech by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson .MP3/694Kb

Audio files from the Foreign Ministers meeting,
NATO Headquarters, 4-5 December 2003 are available separately

3 December Press Point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Robert Kocharian, President of Armenia .MP3/2103Kb
  Questions and answers with NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Robert Kocharian, President of Armenia .MP3/2836Kb

Audio files from the Defence Ministers meeting,
NATO Headquarters, 1-2 December 2003 are available separately


13 November Questions and answers with General Kujat, Chairman of the Military Committee following meetings by the NATO Chiefs of Staff (For technical reasons, only the Q&A was recorded) .MP3/10268Kb
12 November Press Briefing by Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr. U.S. Navy, Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation .MP3/12949Kb


21 October Press Point with NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson; the PSC Chairman, Ambassador Maurizio Melani and the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr. Javier Solana. .MP3/5409Kb

Audio files from the conference Securing Peace: NATO’s Role in Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution (16 October 2003) are available separately

1 October Speech by His Royal Highness Prince Philippe of Belgium and NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council .MP3/4700Kb


30 September Joint Point de Presse, Secretary General Lord Robertson and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr. Gryshchenko .MP3/3099Kb
15 September Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, the European Union High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr. Javier Solana, and the PSC Chairman, Ambassador Maurizio Melani .MP3/3754Kb
9 September Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and Mr. Harri Holkeri, the new Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo .MP3/5575Kb


8 August Interview with Lieutenant-General Gtz Gliemeroth, Commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan .MP3/2944Kb


23 July Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Afghanistan .MP3/3977Kb
22 July Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, Mr. Svetozar Marovic, President and Mr. Goran Svilanovic, Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro .MP3/6557Kb

Audio files of the "Transatlantic Defence Industrial Cooperation
Challenges and Prospects" Conference

in Brussels (18 July 2003) are available separately

16 July Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and Mr Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan Interim Government .MP3/4588Kb
15 July

Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and the Chairman of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the European Union, Ambassador Maurizio Melani


27 June

NATO school celebrates 50th anniversary

Remarks by the Commandant of the NATO School, Colonel Marc P. Sullivan .1712Kb
Remarks by the Representative of Allied Command Transformation Europe, Admiral Miguel Fernandez .2717Kb
Change of Command .331Kb
Remarks by Captain Richard E. Stevens .1068Kb
Remarks by Admiral Sir Ian Garnett KCB .1793Kb
History of NATO School .883Kb
26 June

North Atlantic Council visits Kosovo

Press Point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the Commander of KFOR, General Mini .5733Kb
(poor sound)
Press Point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, Pristina .2567Kb
(poor sound)
Arrival at Slatina Airport, Pristina, Kosovo .985Kb
(poor sound)
23 June Press point with NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Mr. Vladimir Voronin, President of Moldova .3409Kb
18 June

Press Conference by SACEUR, General James L. Jones, DSACEUR Admiral Feist and Operational Commander of EU Forces engaged in Operation Concordia, General Deverell CINCNORTH, following an Allied Commander Europe Commanders Conference at SHAPE HQ


Audio files of the Meeting of Defence Ministers
in Brussels (12-13 June 2003) are available separately


22 May

Ohrid Regional Conference on Border Management and Security

Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson .MP3/3770Kb
Press Conference by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson .MP3/846Kb
21 May Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Ambassador Michael Steiner, head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and Commander KFOR (COMKFOR) Lt.-Gen. Mini .MP3/4212Kb
20 May Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Zivkovic .MP3/4646Kb
14 May Press conference by the Chairman of the Military Committee, General Harald Kujat .MP3/11397Kb

Audio files of the Meeting of the NATO-Russia Council
in Moscow, Russia (13 May 2003) are available separately

13 May Press point by General R.B. Myers, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff .MP3/4756Kb
8 May

Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the President of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov



9 April

Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson at the official opening of the exhibition on Weapons of Mass Destruction


Audio files of the Meetings of the Foreign Ministers
at NATO HQ, Brussels (3 April 2003) are available separately


31 March

Ceremony marking the ending of NATO's Operation Allied Harmony and transfer of authority to EU

Remarks by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson .MP3/2890Kb
Remarks by Javier Solana, European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy .MP3/1939Kb
Speech by Secretary General Volis of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs .MP3/1135Kb
Speech by Boris Trajkovski, President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1) .MP3/2800Kb

Audio files of the speeches given during the Signing of Accession Protocols
NATO HQ on 26 March 2003 are available separately

25 March

Press point by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and H.E. Emomali Rakhmanov, President of Tajikistan


Audio files of the speeches given during the
Round Table on Challenges of Modern Society

NATO HQ on 20-21 March 2003 are available separately

19 March Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Mr Rolandas Paksas, President of Lithuania .MP3/3285Kb
18 March Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, H.E. Victor Yanukovich .MP3/3468Kb
11 March Press point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy .MP3/4311Kb


27 February Press point by US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Marc Grossman .MP3/3477Kb
16 February Press conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and Chairman of the Military Committee, General Kujat following the meeting of the Defence Planning Committee .MP3/3940Kb
12 February Press Conference by SACEUR, General James L. Jones during his visit at the Allied North (AFNORTH) Headquarters. .MP3/9.641Kb
12 February Press conference by NATO Spokesman, Yves Brodeur .MP3/2.190Kb
12 February Press conference by NATO Spokesman, Yves Brodeur .MP3/2.471Kb
11 February Press conference by NATO Spokesman, Yves Brodeur .MP3/1.262Kb
10 February Press conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson following the meeting of the North Atlantic Council on a possible threat to Turkey .MP3/1.941Kb
10 February Press conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and by Mr. Anton Rop, Prime Minister of Slovenia .MP3/2.629Kb
10 February Press conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson on measures in relation to a possible threat to Turkey .MP3/2.840Kb
6 February Press conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson after North Atlantic Council meeting on measures in relation to a possible threat to Turkey .MP3/2.959Kb
5 February Press conference after the North Atlantic Council meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union


27 January Press Conference by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland .MP3/8.877Kb
23 January NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson today announced the results of the International Architectural Design Competition for the New NATO Headquarters

Audio files of the speeches given during the ACE Change of Command Ceremony at SHAPE HQ on 17 January 2003 are available separately

10 January Welcoming Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson
at the New Year Reception of the Press

  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.