Updated: 06-Nov-2006 NATO Speeches



Speeches 1957

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24 Mai 1957
Conference de Presse de M. P.-H. Spaak


4 June 1957
"Rules for NATO Conduct", speech delivered by Lord Ismay at the English-Speaking Union Dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London

14 September 1957
"The Atlantic Alliance and its Future", speech delivered by Secretary General of NATO M. Paul-Henri Spaak at the closing session of the Conference on the North Atlantic Community held in Bruges

October 1957
Speech made by H.E. M. Paul-Henri Spaak, to the National Press Club during his first official visit to the USA in the capacity of Chairman of the North Atlantic Council and Secretary General of NATO
24 October 1957
Speech delivered by the Secretary General, Chairman of the North Atlantic Council, H.E. M. Paul-Henri Spaak, to the Washington Press Club
October 1957
Speech made by the Secretary General, Chairman of the North Atlantic Council, H.E. M. Paul-Henri Spaak, to the students of Stanford University during his visit to the United States
30 October 1957
Speech made by the Secretary General H.E. M. Paul-Henri Spaak, to the Commonwealth Club of California
1 November 1957
Address by H.E. Paul-Henri Spaak, Secretary General of NATO before the Overseas Press Club, New York
6 November 1957
Speech by M. Spaak before a Joint Meeting of Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, London
November 1957
Speech delivered by M. Spaak to the Imperial Defence College
November 1957
Last speech of M. Spaak's 3-week tour of the United States and the United Kingdom
November 1957
Discours de M. Spaak, Secrtaire Gnral de l'OTAN, à la Conférence des Parlementaires des Pays Membres de l'OTAN


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