
Research Training Sites

Post-doctoral Training

Brown University, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies

The Center provides postdoctoral training that prepares fellows to conduct high quality clinical and pre-clinical substance abuse research. Key research programs ongoing at the Center include laboratory studies of tobacco and marijuana use; behavioral and pharmacologic intervention studies with smokers and substance abusers; effects of prenatal exposure to substances; and studies of intervention mechanisms (using a range of methods including electronic diaries, cue reactivity, behavioral economics, genetic markers, and fMRI). Fellows will be trained in conjunction with an existing NIAAA postdoctoral research program; in this integrated training program, a total of 14 fellows participate in a structured didactic seminar series, supervised research experience, and an intensive mentored grantwriting process. The Center's primary research focus is the discovery of more effective treatments and early interventions for alcohol and drug abuse. More information can be found at:
Program Director: Damaris J. Rohsenow, Ph.D.
Training Director: Suzanne M. Colby, Ph.D.
Training Coordinator: Jayne Hawthorne

Columbia University

This is a post-doctoral training program focusing on the neural mechanisms underlying drug dependence. Studies will range from genetic analysis, synaptic plasticity, circuitry, second messenger systems, and characterization of the actions of receptors, transporters, and ion conductances, and explore the pathways of receptor and transporter regulation, neuritic pruning, modes of neuronal and glial cell death, and to establish pathways that may provide for regeneration. The ultimate goal of this program is to train the next generation of scientists to examine the effects of drug abuse.
Project Director: David Sulzer, Ph.D.

Columbia University

Post-doctoral training program for physicians and psychologists interested in pursing research careers in substance abuse. The primary goal is to provide future research and academic psychiatrists and other clinicians with the research skills and clinical expertise to play substantive roles in advancing knowledge about the etiology and treatment of substance use disorders. Research fields include basic neuroscience, genetics, epidemiology, behavioral pharmacology, epidemiology, psychopharmacology, clinical trials and treatment research.
Project Director: Frances Levin, M.D.

Johns Hopkins University

The Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU) offers diverse postdoctoral training in the human behavioral pharmacology of substance abuse and its treatment, with an emphasis on clinical trials. Areas of supervised research and publication training experience include: clinical trials of pharmacological and behavioral treatments, and their integration; incentive-based contingency management interventions; human laboratory studies of drug effects on behavior and cognition, drug self-administration, abuse liability assessment, and medications development. Drug categories under study include: opioids, cocaine/stimulants, sedative/anxiolytics, marijuana, psychedelics, alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, and caffeine. 
Project Website:
Program Director: George Bigelow, Ph.D.

McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center

Multidisciplinary postdoctoral training in clinical, preclinical, basic and treatment-related research on drug abuse is provided by faculty at the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center. Trainees may participate in studies of behavioral pharmacology, neuroendocrinology, neurobiology, evaluation of novel analgesics, and brain imaging (MRI, MRS, fMRS). This research program also offers training in medicinal chemistry to develop novel medications, and in clinical and preclinical evaluations of the safety and effectiveness of new medications for drug abuse treatment. This Center focuses on drug abuse problems in women and gender comparisons, including the interactions between abused substances and neuroendocrine hormones.
Project Director: Nancy K. Mello, Ph.D.

McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, NeuroImaging Center

Post-doctoral training in the field of brain imaging and drug abuse is offered as an integrated, multidisciplinary program jointly supported by the McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. The primary goal is to provide trainees with skills in brain imaging technology (MRI, MRS, fMRI, EEG) and advanced psychopharmacology to be used in basic science and applied research projects that include: acute intoxicating effects of drugs, cue-induced craving, cognitive effects, withdrawal, sleep disturbances, medication compliance, treatment, medication development as well as translational research between animals and humans. Training includes both formal course work and laboratory rotations via one of four tracks: 1) MR Technology and Instrumentation Track; 2) Basic Clinical Research Track; 3) Clinical Treatment Track; and 4) Translational Research Track. 
Project Director: Scott E. Lukas, Ph.D. 
Send CV and statement of research interests to: Ronna J. Shostak, BPRL, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill St., Belmont, MA 02478, or email to

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

This is an interdisciplinary program that seeks to train researchers in the basic understanding and treatment of drug addiction. Our training faculty includes scientists and physicians engaged in both basic science and translational research. The research available to trainees in this program encompasses a wide variety of drugs of abuse (opioids, cannabinoids, cocaine, hallucinogens) as well as a full spectrum of research techniques including emerging techniques in genomics, proteomics, optogenetics and imaging, as well as approaches rooted in computational biology, structural biology, behavioral science, cell biology, molecular neuroanatomy, electrophysiology, molecular biology, functional magnetic resonance imaging and clinical research. Many of the faculty members have ongoing collaborations with each other, facilitating interdisciplinary work by trainees.
Project Website:
Program Director: Lakshmi A. Devi, Ph.D.

New York University School of Medicine

Post-doctoral training program emphasizing basic and translational research. Faculty members have active research programs focusing on brain reward mechanisms, molecular biology of opioid receptors, signal transduction in tolerance and dependence, dopamine as an extrasynaptic neurotransmitter, structure, function, and regulation of monoamine transporters, preclinical development of medications against cocaine dependence, noradrenergic mechanisms of stress and psychostimulant effects, and CNS correlates of drug craving in humans. 
NYU Addiction Center of Excellence Website:
Project Director: Kenneth D. Carr, Ph.D.

University of California, San Francisco

Postdoctoral program in drug abuse treatment and services research. Trainees work with a preceptor to design and implement studies on treatment of drug dependence, including nicotine dependence. Trainees also select a specific area of focus for independent research. Current research interests include trials of efficacy and effectiveness of psychosocial and pharmacologic treatment of drug abuse, including nicotine dependence; adoption of evidence-based practices in addiction treatment programs; instrument development in drug abuse; diagnostic techniques and research on treatment tailored for HIV positive drug abusers and drug abusers with psychiatric and medical disorders; research on provision of services to drug abusing populations; innovative methodology including internet based studies; and treatment of complex patients in innovative settings.
Program Director: James L. Sorensen, Ph.D.

University of Michigan

This program offers post-doctoral training in the area of neurobiology and pharmacology of drugs of abuse, especially opioids and stimulants. The emphasis is on promoting scientific growth and acquiring conceptual and experimental tools key to understanding a) the basic biology of neurotransmitters and their receptors and the mechanisms of action of opiate drugs; and b) the molecular, cellular, interneuronal and behavioral processes critical to drug seeking, drug dependence and drug tolerance. This endeavor is carried out in an interdisciplinary context, with research ranging from gene regulation to primate behavior.
Project Website:
Program Director: John Traynor, Ph.D.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

The purpose of this Joint Program of Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Meharry Medical College is to appropriately prepare addiction psychiatrists embarking on combined clinical and research careers to engage in multidisciplinary research across the bench to bedside continuum. During this 2-year research training program, trainees will conduct an original interdisciplinary research project involving preceptors from at least two out of four conceptual frameworks (psychiatry, neuroimaging, molecular medicine, and biomedical informatics). They will also complete the required didactics for the Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation. Qualified applicants are either board eligible in Addiction Psychiatry or may complete clinical requirements prior to their research through an accelerated track at the Vanderbilt Department of Psychiatry.
Project Director: Peter R. Martin, M.D., Ph.D.

Washington University

Multidisciplinary post-doctoral training program in drug abuse research with preceptors from the Departments of Psychiatry, and the Division of Biostatistics and Infectious Diseases. Research facilities include a renovated center for genetic and epidemiologic studies with access to inpatients and outpatients of Barnes Jewish, Bliss and Childrens Hospitals.
Project Director: Theodore J. Cicero, Ph.D.

Yale University

The central theme of the research in this post-doctoral program is the development and evaluation of innovative pharmacologic and behavioral treatments for substance abusers. Training can range in areas from molecular neurobiology and genetics to pharmacology and behavioral treatments, psychiatric epidemiology and health services research of drug abuse. This is a rich training environment, faculty with broad interests, many are world-renowned in their field. 
Project Director: Ismene Petrakis, M.D.

Yale University School of Medicine

This Postdoctoral Training Program in Substance Abuse Prevention Research is located within the Division of Prevention and Community Research and The Consultation Center, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine. A combination of didactic, mentored, and independent research experiences over a two-year period is aimed at preparing future prevention scientists for careers as independent investigators with expertise in the development, implementation, and rigorous evaluation of science-based substance abuse prevention research. The program emphasizes three fundamental areas of learning: [1] conceptualization, design, and implementation of research within an ecological framework; [2] process of knowledge development and application in prevention science; and [3] research methodologies. Training includes state-of-the-art quantitative research methods and data analytic approaches, especially for the analysis of longitudinal research designs. Extensive training is also provided on the ethical conduct of research.
Project Website:
Program Director: David L. Snow, Ph.D.
Co-Program Director: Jacob K. Tebes, Ph.D.

Yale University School of Medicine

Yale University has established a T32 program for interdisciplinary training in sciences related to neuroimaging. Neuroimaging technologies and applications today require a broad range of knowledge to establish and employ. The goal of this training program is to use its four postdoctoral training slots to cross-train basic scientists and physicians in technical, mathematical, biological, and administrative areas that are needed for modern neuroimaging studies.
Project Director: Graeme Mason, Ph.D.

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