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Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs

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CITATION: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies. Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs. OAS Series A#29, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 07-4273, Rockville, MD, 2007.

bulletReport: Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs

bulletSupplemental web only tables

bulletAll OAS reports on worker substance use, mental health, and workplace drug policies


Full report (HTML format):


List of Figures

List of Tables in published report

Supplemental tables not in published report (web only)

1. Introduction
     1.1. Summary of NSDUH
     1.2. Format of Report and Explanation of Tables
     1.3. Content and Organization of This Report

2. Substance Use among Workers, by Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
     2.1. Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers
     2.2. Past Month Marijuana Use among Full-Time Workers
     2.3. Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers
     2.4. Past Year Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers
     2.5. Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers
     2.6. Summary

3. Substance Use among Workers, by Occupation, Industry, and Establishment Size
     3.1. Standard Occupational and Industry Classifications
     3.2. Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers, by Occupation
     3.3. Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers, by Occupation
     3.4. Dependence and Abuse among Full-Time Workers, by Occupation
     3.5. Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers, by Industry
     3.6. Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers, by Industry
     3.7. Dependence and Abuse among Full-Time Workers, by Industry
     3.8. Past Month Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers, by Establishment Size
     3.9. Past Month Marijuana Use among Full-Time Workers, by Establishment Size
     3.10. Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers, by Establishment Size
     3.11. Past Year Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers, by Establishment Size
     3.12. Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers, by Establishment Size
     3.13. Summary

4. Workplace Information Policies and Programs concerning Drug and Alcohol Use
     4.1. Demographic Characteristics of Workers Reporting Workplace Drug Policies and Programs
     4.2. Working for Employers with Drug and Alcohol Policies and Programs, by Current Illicit Drug Use
     4.3. Working for Employers with Educational Programs, Written Policies, or EAPs, by Current Heavy Alcohol Use
     4.4. Working for Employers with Educational Programs, Written Policies, or EAPs, by Illicit Drug or Alcohol Dependence or Abuse during the Past Year
     4.5. A Final Note about EAPs
     4.6. Summary

5. Workplace Testing
     5.1. Prehire-Testing Programs among Full-Time Workers
     5.2. Prehire Testing among Full-Time Workers, by Substance Use and Dependence and Abuse
     5.3. Random-Testing Programs among Full-Time Workers
     5.4. Random Testing among Full-Time Workers, by Substance Use and Dependence and Abuse
     5.5. Summary

6. Workplace Behaviors and Attitudes toward Drug Testing
     6.1. Workplace Behaviors among Full-Time Workers
     6.2. Workplace Attitudes toward Drug or Alcohol Testing among Full-Time Workers
     6.3. Multivariate Analysis of Drug Testing in Current Employment Setting and Willingness to Work for an Employer Who Tests for Drugs
     6.4. Summary


A. Description of the Survey
B. Statistical Methods and Measurement
C. Key Definitions, 2002-2004
D. Occupational and Industry Classifications
E. Selected Data Tables
F. References

Supplemental detailed tables:
This Supplemental web only document presents detailed tables of:
List of Figures

2.1 Past Month Substance Use and Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Persons Aged 18 to 64, by Employment Status: 2002-2004 Combined

2.2 Percentage Distribution of Persons Aged 18 to 64, by Employment Status: 2002-2004 Combined

2.3 Past Month Substance Use and Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers, by Age Group: 2002-2004 Combined

2.4 Past Month Substance Use and Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Gender: 2002-2004 Combined

2.5 Past Month Substance Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race: 2002-2004 Combined

2.6 Past Month Substance Use and Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education: 2002-2004 Combined

2.7 Past Month Substance Use and Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Family Income: 2002-2004 Combined

2.8 Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race: 2002-2004 Combined

3.1 Past Month Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Major Occupational Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

3.2 Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Major Occupational Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

3.3 Past Month Illicit Drug Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

3.4 Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

4.1 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group: 2002-2004 Combined

4.2 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Gender: 2002-2004 Combined

4.3 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race: 2002-2004 Combined

4.4 Workplace Provides Educational Information concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education and Family Income: 2002-2004 Combined

4.5 Workplace Prepares a Written Policy concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education and Family Income: 2002-2004 Combined

4.6 Workplace Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education and Family Income: 2002-2004 Combined

4.7 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.8 Workplace Provides Educational Information concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.9 Workplace Prepares a Written Policy concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.10 Workplace Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.11 Workplace Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.12 Workplace Provides Educational Information concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.13 Workplace Prepares a Written Policy concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.14 Workplace Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Heavy Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

4.15 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an Employee Assistance Program concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64 with Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use, by Education: 2002-2004 Combined

5.1 Workplace Drug or Alcohol Use Testing Practices among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004 Combined

5.2 Workplace Tests Employees for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Major Occupational Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

5.3 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.4 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.5 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Gender and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.6 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.7 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by County Type and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.8 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.9 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size and Past Month Illicit Drug or Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.10 Workplace Tests Employees for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Major Occupational Categories: 2002-2004 Combined

5.11 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by County Type: 2002-2004 Combined

5.12 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Family Income and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.13 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Age Group and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.14 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Hispanic or Latino Origin and Race and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.15 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Education and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

5.16 Workplace Tests during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Year Illicit Drug or Alcohol Dependence or Abuse: 2002-2004 Combined

5.17 Workplace Tests on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size and Past Month Illicit Drug or Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

6.1 Workplace Behaviors among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Month Substance Use: 2002-2004 Combined

6.2 Workplace Behaviors among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: 2002-2004 Combined

6.3 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Test during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

6.4 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Test on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Past Month Illicit Drug Use: 2002-2004 Combined

B.1 Required Effective Sample as a Function of the Proportion Estimated

List of Tables

6-A Results of Multinomial Logit Model of Willingness to Work for Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004

6-B Results of Logistic Models of Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004

B.1 Summary of 2004 NSDUH Suppression Rules

B.2 Weighted Percentages and Sample Sizes for 2002, 2003, and 2004 NSDUHs, by Screening Result Code

B.3 Response Rates and Sample Sizes for Persons Aged 18 to 64 in the 2002, 2003 and 2004 NSDUHs, by Demographic Characteristics

2.1 Substance Use and Substance Dependence or Abuse among Persons Aged 18 to 64, by Employment Status: Percentages, Numbers in Thousands, and Percentage Distributions, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

2.2 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

2.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

2.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

2.5 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.1 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.2 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.5 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.6 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.7 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

3.8 Substance Dependence and Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.1 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.2 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.3 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.4 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.5 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.6 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.7 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.8 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.9 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Year Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.10 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

4.11 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.1 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.2 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.3 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.4 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.5 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.6 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.7 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.8 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.9 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.10 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.11 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

5.12 Type of Testing Program Reported concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.1 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring or Who Test Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.2 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring or Who Test Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.3 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.4 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.5 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.6 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.7 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.8 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.9 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.10 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.11 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.12 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.13 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.14 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004

6.15 Results of Multinomial Logit Model of Willingness to Work for Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004

6.16 Results of Multinomial Logit Model of Willingness to Work for Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004

6.17 Results of Logistic Models of Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004

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