DOJ Press Release letterhead

  • Friday, November 19, 2010
  • Contact: Office of Justice Programs
  • Telephone: (202) 307-0703

Weekly News Brief

AAG Laurie Robinson Speaks At Meeting Exploring Health Care Reform and Criminal Justice —In remarks on Wednesday, Nov. 17, OJP's Assistant Attorney General Laurie O. Robinson noted, "The new Health Care law presents us with an opportunity to address what I think is the biggest challenge in correctional health care – and that is continuity of care....dealing with this problem requires looking at the issue of correctional health care the way we look at all aspects of reentry – namely, that reentry back into the community begins the moment an offender enters the system. This means early screening and assessment to detect and identify core health issues, appropriate institutional treatment, and continuity of care in the community."

Law Enforcement Agencies Are Replacing "10-4" and Other Codes with Plain English—OJP's National Institute of Justice (NIJ) noted in a recent In Short that an increasing number of law enforcement agencies are phasing out the cryptic "10-codes" used over police radios and replacing them with plain English. The change allows officers to easily communicate across county and state boundaries while reducing the chance for confusion if one agency's radio code means something else in another jurisdiction. Local, state and federal agencies have endorsed the move to plain language.

Bureau of Justice Assistance to Host National Conference, Dec. 6-8, 2010—OJP's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will hold its 2010 National Conference, entitled Advancing Justice through Evidence and Innovation, Dec. 6–8 in Washington, D.C., at the Washington Hilton Hotel. The conference will emphasize how evidence and innovation can be leveraged to improve the Nation's justice systems and to ensure community safety, and how BJA funding is supporting this approach across the Nation. Following the National Conference, Dec. 8 from 1-5 p.m., BJA will host an Intellectual Property Forum. The forum will highlight the damaging effects of this type of crime to the economy, the health and safety risks it poses to the public, and its relationship with gangs and organized crime. For more information and registration, including a draft agenda visit:
