The Marine Corps Takes Care of Its Own


Broad Horizons

Today's society is more globally connected than ever, and travel during service offers Marines a broad perspective. The Marine Corps trains and deploys throughout the United States and the world, and most Marines should expect to see duty anywhere there is a Marine base or operation. In addition, duty assignments at American embassies and consulates throughout the world offer opportunities to travel and to expand cultural horizons.



The advantages to becoming a Marine far exceed a simple list of benefits. Each Marine is supported by the Marine Corps brotherhood, as well as a range of personal and professional resources. Earning the title means one can forever call on the principles instilled in them, the Marines beside them and the commitments made to them in the Marine Corps.


To be an effective force in our nation's defense, our warriors must not only be highly skilled, but also highly educated and financially secure. If you earn our title, we will invest in you—advancing your mind, your career and your future. Whether you remain in the Corps for a single term or for an entire career, you will retain numerous benefits earned by keeping this nation safe and free. Our title is earned, never given. However, those who earn it gain access to a range of benefits unequaled in the civilian world. The educational opportunities and financial incentives we offer make for a more capable warrior—and a more secure nation.


Every Marine family makes a commitment to our nation. In return, the Marine Corps makes a commitment to every Marine family. The Marine Corps provides many benefits and opportunities for families not found in the civilian world, including full health coverage, access to on-base medical facilities, free on-base housing, monthly housing allowances, low-cost mortgage loans and educational funding. In addition to the support Marine families offer each other, they have access to services such as day care options, family-friendly base amenities, family counseling, deployment support and relocation assistance. As much as service in the Corps ensures the future of our nation, it also creates a better future for those who serve. Ours is a family that takes care of its own, in every way.