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2011 Call for Beamline Development Proposals

National Synchrotron Light Source II

February 16, 2011

NSLS-II Rendering

Critical Dates

Call for proposal issued
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Letter of Intent due
Monday, March 28, 2011
(submitted LOIs)

Beamline development workshops
April-June 2011

Beamline proposal due
Monday, July 25, 2011


Related Materials

Proposal template

NSLS-II Beamline Development Policy

NSLS-II Source Properties

NSLS & NSLS-II User Access Policy (draft)

Project Beamlines

Background Beamline Information

Approved Proposals From 2010

The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), currently under construction at the U.S. Department of Energys Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, NY, is pleased to announce the 2011 Call for Beamline Development Proposals for experimental facilities to be implemented at NSLS-II.

NSLS-II is a highly optimized third-generation synchrotron facility that will provide excellent brightness and flux as well as exceptional beam stability over a broad range of photon energies from infrared to hard x-rays. NSLS-II will accommodate at least 58 beamlines using 27 straight sections for insertion device sources and 31 bending-magnet or three-pole-wiggler sources, with additional beamlines possible through canted insertion devices and multiple branches.

Similar to the 2010 Call, the 2011 call for beamline proposals is independent of the funding source and the type of beamline, and is open to all areas of science.

It is expected that the beamlines that may be developed in response to this call will further enhance the scientific capacities in the early years of NSLS-II operations to allow the exploration of the unique scientific opportunities offered by the new facility, as well as providing continued support for the wide ranging research programs of the existing NSLS user community.

Beamline development at NSLS-II is governed by the NSLS-II Beamline Development Policy. This policy together with useful information about other related policies and about the NSLS-II synchrotron source properties can be found at .

A team interested in proposing the development of a beamline at NSLS-II is requested to submit a one-page letter of intent by Monday, March 28, 2011, indicating its intention to submit a proposal. This should be followed by the submission of a 12-page beamline development proposal by Monday, July 25 2011. The required contents of the letter of intent and beamline development proposal are described in the NSLS-II Beamline Development Policy. The letter of intent and the beamline development proposal should be submitted to . The Photon Sciences Directorate Science Advisory Committee (SAC) will carry out a review of the proposals.

For more information, please contact Qun Shen, Photon Division Director, Photon Sciences Directorate, at


Additional Information

April 14, 2010, Beamline Informational Session Presentations: (.ppt)

Updated and additional information:

2010 Beamline Development Proposals




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Last Modified: March 20, 2012
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