It so funny because as I am reading your post it sounds allmost idetical to me. I allmost went 09S, but ended up not because I was afraid after I became a officer I would be stuck behind a desk so I just went the enlisted route. I figured I set behind my desk enough at my civilian career. The only thing that worries me about BCT is like you said above, having to deal with younger people that are lazy/unmotivated and dont want to do anything. At my age I am very goal driven and do everything 100%. I didn't sign up for this just to have something to do, I did it because it is one of my goals. So hopefully I wont get annoyed with the younger group to much. PT won't be a problem for me. I'm 6"4 205 and in better shape now then I was when I was 18. I don't ship out till May since I am a teacher I can go over the summer and now miss to much work. I am glad that I found someone that just got back that can give me some insight on how it will be. If I can think of anymore questions I will PM you. I can't wait to ship out I am pumped. Its been many years planning for me to do this and now it is finally happening. I couldn't be happier.