Many Soldiers and future Soldiers are eager to join operations overseas. Here are some key points.
  1. You belong to a unit and a State. The easiest way to mobilize is through your existing unit; second easiest is with another unit in your State.
  2. Your chain of command all the way up to The Adjutant General (TAG) of your State must approve your mobilization in support of a unit not from your State.
  3. You have no recourse or right to complain if you don't get approval.

Steps to take:
  1. Complete Basic and AIT. Soldiers without an MOS are ineligible for federal mobilization.
  2. Remain a satisfactory participant. Show up to drill on time, do a good job, and don't cause problems. Why would your commander support you if you are a problem child?
  3. Don't become "flagged." Don't fail the APFT, exceed weight/fat limit, or otherwise violate standards. If you're not administratively ready, then you can't mobilize.
  4. Contact your chain of command. Send a letter to your commander explaining why you want to mobilize, and any relevant facts. Keep it to one page -- don't tell him the history of the world, just tell him the basic facts. Ask to discuss this at a time other than drill weekend.
  5. Register. Presuming you have good feedback from your chain of command, register yourself on the ARNG individual volunteer list. This site requires a GKO login.
  6. Maintain your good performance and attitude. Gently remind your chain of command and State Mob Readiness Officer (MRO) about your desire to serve overseas.

Whatever you do, don't pester me with your sad stories. Your chain of command will ultimately decide. I can only provide generalized guidance, and I cannot intervene in any individual case.