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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

How NIJ Set Its Communications Technology Research Agenda

NIJ's research, development, testing, and evaluation methodology works to meet the needs of the criminal justice community. The process involves five phases, from identifying the technology need through testing, evaluation, commercialization, and informing the user community.

Identifying Communications Technology Needs

The first phase of the RDT&E process identifies practitioners' technology needs. To accomplish this, NIJ relies heavily on the expertise and insight of experts and practitioner advisors to guide its research and development agenda. The Communications Technology Working Group is comprised of about 20 practitioners, technologists, and academics chosen based on their professional reputation and experience. Most play a significant role in their local communications-investment decisionmaking processes by conducting technology review, procurement, and implementation. The Technology Working Group meets twice a year to advise NIJ about what kinds of tools and techniques are likely to yield a strong return on investment.

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Date Created: November 14, 2007