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Directions to Training Office

The Photon Sciences Training Manager is located in the NSLS facility, Building 725D, Room 2-160.

Directions (from the Main Entrance)

From the Main (front) entrance, take the stairs or elevator to the second floor. Turn right into the hallway and proceed past the lobby balcony. Continue past the seminar room on the right and through the hallway to make a 90 degree left turn. Continue through this next hallway past the Design Room on the left. Turn left at the overhead sign for "Training" and continue straight through to Room 2-160 on your left.

Directions (from the North Entrance)

From the North (back) entrance, take the stairs or elevator to the second floor. Turn left into the hallway. Turn right at the doorway marked Room 2-184A. Continue down this hallway and turn left to the next hallway. The office is located on your right.

Map to Photon Sciences Training Office

Print the Map to Office 2-160.