Electronics Play By a New Set of Rules at the Molecular Scale

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Columbia University uncovered fundamental information about the effect of quantum mechanics on organic electronics. More...

Call for proposals: The next general user proposal deadline is September 30, 2012. More information

About the Center for Functional Nanomaterials

The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory provides state-of-the-art capabilities for the fabrication and study of nanoscale materials, with an emphasis on atomic-level tailoring to achieve desired properties and functions. The CFN is a science-based user facility, simultaneously developing strong scientific programs while offering broad access to its capabilities and collaboration through an active user program. The overarching scientific theme of the CFN is the development and understanding of nanoscale materials that address the Nation's challenges in energy security, consistent with the Department of Energy mission. More...

CFN Fact Sheet (PDF)

Nanoscale Safety

The Department of Energy requires that all work with nanomaterials be conducted in a safe and responsible manner that protects workers, the public, and the environment.

DOE Secretarial Policy Statement on Nanoscale Safety (PDF)

Implementation of the Secretarial Policy On Nanoscale Safety, DOE P456.1 Revision 2 (PDF)

NSRC Approach to Nanomaterial ESH

BNL Interim Procedure on "Approach to Nanomaterial ESH"

Office of Science Nanoscience Centers

The Center for Functional Nanomaterials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Brookhavne National Laboratory.

CFN VideoCFN Overview Video
Staff from the new nanocenter describe how this advanced facility will focus on the development and understanding of nanoscale materials, with an eye to solving the nation's energy challenges.

CFN Events

There are no upcoming seminars scheduled at this time.

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Job Opportunities

There are currently 4 job positions available within the CFN Department.

See all CFN job listings...