Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Compact

MCC is strengthening the agriculture sector through improved infrastructure and water-management techniques, helping reform rural land ownership issues, linking markets through improved roads, and ensuring more girls complete primary school.

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Burkina Faso Threshold Program

The program was designed to assist Burkina Faso improve performance on girls’ primary education completion indicator by focusing on improving both quality of and access to education for girls in the 10 lowest-performing provinces in the country.

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Photos & Video

  • MCC in Africa, 2011
    Slideshow, 5/25/2011

    MCC in Africa, 2011



    With nearly 70 percent of MCC’s portfolio benefiting the people of Africa, MCC is investing in solutions for long-term prosperity that Africans themselves are designing.  These projects include building transportation networks, increasing agricultural productivity throughout the entire value chain, improving water supply and sanitation, expanding health, education, and community services, and broadening access to finance for greater enterprise development.

  • MCC in Africa
    Video, 7/01/2009

    MCC in Africa



    A brief introduction to the Millennium Challenge Corporation and its efforts to reduce poverty throughout Africa.