
USN -- Provide rapid response cargo and passenger transportation as well as forward deployment logistics support and range support.


The RC/EC/C-26D is the military variant of the commercial Model SA-227-DC (Metro 23) aircraft series manufactured by Fairchild Aircraft Company. It is a multipurpose, low wing, twin engine business turboprop monoplane with an engine on each wing. The flight deck and cabin are pressurized for high-altitude flight. The aircraft incorporates a cargo door with an integral air-stair door to permit easy entry and access. With a maximum payload capacity of 5,020 pounds, the cabin can be configured to accommodate passengers, cargo or both. The four C-26D aircraft are located in Europe. The two RC-26D aircraft and one EC-26D aircraft in Hawaii support range operations at Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands.



Primary Function: Passenger and cargo airlift.
Date Deployed: 1998.
Propulsion: Two Allied Signal (Garrett) TPE-331-12UAR turboprop engines.
Length: (Nose to Tail) 59 feet 5 inches (18.1 meters).
Wingspan: 46ft 3in (14.01m).
Height: (Tail Height) 16 feet 8 inches (5.1 meters).
Weight: Max. gross, take-off: 16,500 pounds.
Airspeed: Maximum 246 knots.
Ceiling: 25,000 feet.
Range: 1,300 nautical miles.
Crew: 2.
Passengers: 19.
Prime Contractors:  Fairchild Aircraft Company (M7 Aerospace LLC) & Allied Signal (Garrett).


Primary Function: Range support.
Date Deployed: 1998.
Propulsion: Two Allied Signal (Garrett) TPE-331-12UAR turboprop engines.
Length: (Nose to Tail) 59 feet 5 inches (18.1 meters).
Wingspan: 46ft 3in (14.01m).
Height: (Tail Height) 16 feet 8 inches (5.1 meters).
Weight: Max. gross, take-off: 16,500 pounds.
Airspeed: Maximum 246.
Ceiling: 25,000 feet.
Range: 1,300 nautical miles.
Crew: 2.
Passengers: 19.
Prime Contractors:  Fairchild Aircraft Company (M7 Aerospace LLC) & Allied Signal (Garrett).

Program Status

Production Phase: Operational
Inventory: C-26D – 4; RC-26D – 2; EC-26D - 1