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GSA Leaders Hail Recovery Act Progress

Video Length: 2 minute 4 seconds

On the heels of a Department of Labor announcement citing five straight months of job growth, GSA leaders and elected officials joined with businesses and workers in four cities on June 4, 2010, to showcase the progress made in creating jobs and improving local economic conditions through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Administrator Martha Johnson joined U.S. Rep. André Carson, local elected officials, businesses, and workers at the Maj. Gen. Emmett J. Bean Federal Center in Indianapolis to discuss economic and job impacts spurred by the Recovery Act in the area.

“Today we received some encouraging news. In the last month, our economy has created over half a million new jobs. This is the fifth straight month of job growth and a signal that our economy is roaring back to life,” said Johnson. “Although a little over 400,000 of these jobs are temporary, census-related positions, the fact remains that they are providing Americans with livelihoods and paychecks, and are a needed relief from the anxiety of unemployment. And, longer-term jobs have been created to help handle and manage the new inflow of federal workers; the U.S. General Services Administration has stepped up to the plate, and we negotiated the office leases to house those new workers.”

Indiana has been awarded more than $7.5 billion in Recovery Act funds, and $4.7 billion of that has already been spent.

“I can think of no better place to survey the Recovery Act’s progress than the Maj. Gen. Emmett J. Bean Center, the Birch Bayh Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, and the Minton-Capehart Federal Building, and I am honored to stand with the hard-working Hoosiers who are rebuilding our economy and our confidence in America’s future,” Johnson added.

Public Buildings Commissioner Bob Peck joined Jackson, Miss., Mayor Harvey Johnson at a similar event at the McCoy Federal Building in Jackson, while Southwest Regional Administrator J.D. Salinas and U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett surveyed the progress of the new U.S. courthouse being built in Austin, Texas. Sen. Daniel Inouye joined Pacific Rim Acting Regional Administrator Jeff Neely in Honolulu, Hawaii, at the Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse.

GSA is investing $5.5 billion under the Recovery Act to convert and build energy-efficient federal buildings, courthouses, and land ports of entry nationwide. These projects will deliver lasting progress toward modernizing the nation’s infrastructure, reducing the federal government’s consumption of energy and water, and increasing use of clean and renewable sources of energy.

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