Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
C13 - Security Cooperation Information Technology Systems
C13.1. - Mission And Vision

C13.1. Security Cooperation Information Technology Mission And Vision.

C13.1.1. The Information Technology (IT) mission of Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) is to maintain and operate those assigned information systems that support DSCA and the security cooperation (SC) community, and to develop and enhance information systems to deliver new business value to the SC community.

C13.1.2. The DSCA IT vision is to provide business, mission, and customer-focused information management services that are highly effective and represent significant value. IT will be an integrated, cohesive endeavor that builds on shared mission requirements and fosters a collaborative environment with a focus on customer needs and satisfaction.

C13.2. - Capital Planning And Investment Control (CPIC)

C13.2.1. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) Framework details the Agency’s Information Technology (IT) capital planning and Portfolio Management (PfM) process. Its structure, as designed, supports DSCA decision-making and governance of IT investments. CPIC codifies the set of processes used by DSCA decision-makers for governance and approval of IT investments. Further, it provides guidance and direction to ensure alignment of IT investments with DSCA’s overarching business strategy, as defined in the DSCA Strategic Plan, and ensures compliance with the Laws, Regulations, and Policies mandating optimized processes to select, control, and evaluate IT investments.

C13.2.2. Effective management of investments in the DSCA IT Portfolio requires use of the DSCA CPIC Framework in conjunction with related processes and policies to ensure proper funding, interoperability, and adherence to the Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) mandates. The DSCA CPIC Framework can accommodate a range of IT investments, from infrastructure to software. Ideally, all IT investments, including military department (MILDEP) initiated IT investments funded through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, will be managed using the DSCA CPIC Framework unless specifically exempted.

C13.2.3. Proposed and existing IT investments must be selected, controlled, and evaluated within the IT Governance structure and must also be compliant with requirements of the DoD budget process, DSCA Enterprise Architecture and associated standards, DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), DoD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR), and all applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Failure to comply with all of these may result in lack of funding; delays in approvals, implementation, or authority to connect to enterprise networks; increased security, performance, and financial risks to the investments and Agency; or termination of the investment.

C13.3. - Security Cooperation Governance Board And Information Technology Change Review Board (CRB)

Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) administers a clearly defined, repeatable information technology (IT) investment process by which security cooperation (SC) decision-makers align investments with the business strategy to achieve specific outcomes, while ensuring interoperability; fiscal accountability; and compliance with DoD rules, regulations, and standards. IT governance for the SC community is subordinate to and is required to operate within the parameters and constraints of the governance structure approved and implemented by the Secretary of Defense. The SC IT governance structure includes management controls that ensure the integrity of the IT investments, in conjunction with senior level oversight from the MILDEPs as appropriate. The SC IT Governance structure includes the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) and the Security Cooperation Governance Board (SCGB) supported by an IT Change Review Board (CRB).

C13.3.1. Security Cooperation Governance Board (SCGB) Membership and Function. Chaired by the Deputy Director, DSCA (or in his absence by the DSCA Chief Information Officer (CIO)). This board includes the following members: the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Exports and Cooperation (DASA DE&C), the Director of the Navy International Program Office (NIPO), the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force International Affairs (SAF/IA), the DSCA Principal Directors for Business Operations, and Strategy, the DSCA General Counsel, and the DSCA CIO. The SCGB is responsible for reviewing new IT change requests that exceed one million dollars and any change determined by the SCGB as special interest to the SC community.

C13.3.2. The SCGB meets quarterly or as required to resolve issues and approve investment decisions and requests for future funding related to SC IT systems, including the Security Cooperation Enterprise Solution (SCES) and IT systems that affect SCES. Investment decisions will be consistent with current IT budget levels and requests for future funding will be submitted by the DSCA CIO as part of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Funds Program Objective Memorandum (POM) process. SC IT programs are reviewed annually by the DSCA FMS Administrative Funds POM team. The SCGB will promulgate in writing decisions for issues and related investments impacting the security cooperation community. The SCGB will consider the level of priority of each investment based on urgency, funding, community interest and availability of resources. The SCGB makes the determination of which new IT change requests to approve and fund within existing resources allocated to support IT for the SC community.

C13.3.3. IT Change Review Board (CRB) Membership. The IT CRB supports the SCGB. The DSCA CIO chairs the IT CRB. The four voting members of the IT CRB consist of representatives from DASA-DE&C, Navy IPO, and SAF/IA. The IT CRB is to convene monthly or as required to review, evaluate, prioritize, and vote for approval or disapproval for IT change requests under one million dollars. Users of the various IT systems are encouraged to submit recommended enhancements through their IT CRB member. Minor Implementing Agencies (IAs) (i.e., IAs other than DASA-DE&C, Navy IPO, and SAF/IA), will submit recommendations to the DSCA CIO, who will present it to the other voting members. The IT CRB will consider the level of priority of each change based on urgency, funding, community interest and availability of resources. The IT CRB conducts the initial review of new IT change requests and refers those exceeding one million dollars or of special interest to the SCGB with summary analysis and recommendations. The IT CRB members will vote on behalf of their military department (MILDEP). For a change to be approved, all recommendations require consensus among voting members. If all voting members are not present, the issue will be voted on either at the next meeting or by email, teleconference, or video teleconference. However, the IT CRB Chairperson has the authority to approve changes he/she considers critical and will disseminate in writing the decision to the IT CRB members within five working days. IT CRB lack of consensus for routine recommendations should be elevated to the SCGB Chairperson for board consideration and decision.

C13.3.3.1. IT CRB Review Process. Change requests are categorized as: Development, Modernization, or Enhancement; or Operations and Support (i.e., routine/periodic changes and upgrades aligned with a published technology refresh cycle for investments maintained through Operations and Support funding). Change requests should include the type and description of the change, proposed benefits and expected impacts, and technical analysis of the proposed change. The requestor may include supporting information for the request, such as briefings or research papers, as appropriate. The requester is responsible for justifying the change, and is entitled to receive timely status updates from the CRB on the status of the request. The IT CRB considers the change request and determines the level of analysis required to make an informed decision. When escalation above the IT CRB is required due to lack of consensus of the voting members, the DSCA CIO will draft an Issue Paper and submit it in writing to the SCGB Chairperson. Details of the change request process are shown at Table C13.T1.

Table C13.T1. Security Cooperation Governance Board (SCGB) and Information Technology (IT) Change Review Board (CRB) Review Process

# Step Action
1 Prepare Request

The requester will document the proposed change and submit it with supporting documentation to the DSCA CIO, who ensures completeness and validates the business or technical need. If the requested IT system enhancement and/or system development involves policy changes, the DSCA CIO will submit the proposed change to the DSCA (Strategy Directorate). The proposed policy change will be adjudicated by DSCA (Business Operations and Strategy Directorates) before the IT CRB addresses the system enhancement request. DSCA (Business Operations and Strategy Directorates) will inform the DSCA CIO in writing when accomplished.

2 User Prepares Justification

The requester will document and provide justification in support of the proposed IT investment(s). Justification will be documented in accordance with laws, policies, and regulations for the acquisition of IT systems and should include, but not be limited to, the following documents: Business Need, System Requirements, Concept of Operations, Analysis of Alternatives, Lifecycle Cost, Schedule, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Impact to Existing IT System(s).

3 Accept Change Request

Upon receipt of the change request, the IT CRB Secretary, who is appointed by the DSCA CIO, will assign an identifier that will be used for tracking status, and review the request for completeness. If the Change Request contains adequate information for IT CRB review, it is added to the agenda for the next IT CRB meeting. The requester may be asked to add additional information at any time.

4 Review Change Request

The IT CRB members review the change request and discuss appropriate action during an IT CRB meeting.

5 Adjudicate Change Request

The IT CRB can approve or disapprove the change request as submitted, or request that additional data or analysis be performed.

6 Escalation of Change Request

The IT CRB will elevate the change request to the SCGB if it exceeds one million dollars, has special interest, and/or has a significant impact on other security cooperation or DoD IT systems.

7 Change Request Decision

For changes that are not elevated, the IT CRB makes a final decision and communicates the decision in writing to the requester and the CRB members. The SCGB will document any decisions it makes on change requests submitted by the IT CRB.

8 Incorporate Changes

Implemented changes will be monitored by the DSCA CIO to ensure they are incorporated into the enterprise architecture, systems functions/technical documentation, increments or deployment scheduling, and organizational change procedures.


C13.4. - Executive Steering Committee

C13.4.1. The ESC was established on June 1, 2009 by a Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) memorandum. It is co-chaired by the DCMO and the Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency and includes Principal-level representatives from Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), military departments (MILDEPs), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), and leaders from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and security cooperation (SC) communities. The ESC ensures Principal-level coordination and guidance for the Security Cooperation Enterprise Solution (SCES) which is a DSCA information technology modernization program to develop a Tri-Service Case Execution system to replace the MILDEPs legacy systems.

C13.5. - Enterprise Architecture (EA)

C13.5.1. The EA provides a strategic information asset base that defines the mission, the information necessary to perform the mission, the technologies required to perform the mission, and the transitional processes for implementing new technologies in response to changing mission needs. It includes the baseline architecture, target architecture, and a migration plan. This EA is designed to achieve five primary strategic information technology (IT) objectives:

C13.5.1.1. Alignment. Ensuring the reality of the implemented enterprise architecture is aligned with management’s intent.

C13.5.1.2. Integration. Realizing that the business rules are consistent across the organization and that the data and its use are immutable, interfaces and information flow are standardized, and the connectivity and interoperability are managed across the enterprise.

C13.5.1.3. Change. Facilitating and managing change in any aspect of the enterprise.

C13.5.1.4. Time-to-market. Reducing systems development applications generation and modernization timeframes, while reducing resource requirements.

C13.5.1.5. Convergence. Striving toward a standard IT product portfolio.

C13.5.2. The EA will establish a blueprint for systematically defining the security cooperation (SC) “as-is” (baseline) and “to-be” (target) environment which will be essential to managing and developing the IT systems that support the security cooperation programs. Ultimately, the EA architecture will be the foundation for a Migration Plan (i.e., Migration Plan from Baseline to the Target Architecture) to achieve DSCA’s mission through optimizing performance of its core business processes supported by an efficient IT environment.

C13.6. - Information Technology (IT) Portfolio Management

Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) funds, operates, and maintains numerous information systems to support the execution of organizational capabilities and activities. DSCA supports approximately 70 security Cooperation (SC) systems. These individual systems when grouped into a portfolio comprise the “as-is” SC Enterprise Architecture (EA). DSCA also funds and maintains the systems that the military departments (MILDEPs) use to fulfill Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case orders. Other areas supported include Security Assistance (SA) training, internal planning and budgeting systems, Congressional reporting support systems, and other business support systems. The SC systems are grouped within the IT portfolio as follows:

C13.6.1. Security Cooperation Enterprise Solution (SCES). Once deployed, SCES will improve transactional processing, access and visibility of SC case execution data from the finance, acquisition and logistics business domains across the DoD. SCES will replace case execution functionality in MILDEPs’ legacy systems with an integrated enterprise solution that will provide improvements in transaction processing, levels of control, data aggregation, data standardization and reporting capabilities. SCES will be DSCA’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that will house FMS case execution capabilities and provide enhanced reporting and data visibility to international customers.

C13.6.2. Primary Case Execution Systems. The systems to be subsumed by the DSCA case execution solution (SCES) are as follows:

C13.6.2.1. Centralized Integrated System – International Logistics (CISIL). CISIL provides management of FMS cases for the Army. The system maintains data from country request to FMS case closure. It produces logistics requisitions (e.g., MILSTRIP), case status, status of delivery, repair status, supply discrepancy status, and other management reports.

C13.6.2.2. Defense Integrated Financial System (DIFS). DIFS is the interfacing accounting system which links implementing activity records with the bill (DD 645) and supporting financial documents issued to purchasing countries for the articles and/or services that the country has purchased through the FMS process. Case Managers must track the financial status of the cases for which they are responsible throughout the execution phase as well as throughout the entire life span of the case. Anomalies in the DIFS output (possibly reflecting anomalies in the MILDEPs’ input) should be reviewed and reconciled with the intended provisions of the case. DIFS can provide Case Managers with one tool showing the visibility of the financial configuration of their cases in the accounting system at Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) – Indianapolis (IN) from the offered stage through case closure and beyond. It is possible, through this system, to verify that computations are being made in accordance with FMS cases. This system can also provide "real time" data to case managers for use in analyzing country programs and summary data for use both to their purchasers and within their activity.

C13.6.2.3. Program Budget Accounting System – Order Control (PBAS-OC). PBAS-OC contains accounting information for the budgetary accounts of the Army and several Defense Agencies. The budgetary information in PBAS-OC is used to validate the allotment holders' report on final disposition of authorities. The Order Control module of PBAS contains two types of processes. One of the two types of processes relates to the FMS program of the Army. The other process relates to the funded reimbursable customer orders pertaining to the Army Procurement Appropriations (APA).

C13.6.2.4. Management Information System - International Logistics (MISIL). MISIL is used to manage the execution, including accounting, of all FMS cases for the Navy. MISIL maintains data from country request to FMS case closure. The system processes, controls, tracks and reports on FMS logistics and financial transactions, including requisitions, acquisitions, supply/delivery status, Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR), and expenditures. MISIL is the official accounting system of record for all Navy FMS. MISIL produces logistics requisitions (e.g., MILSTRIP), case status, status of delivery, repair status, supply discrepancy status, and other management reports.

C13.6.2.5. Security Assistance Management Information System (SAMIS). SAMIS processes logistical and financial data related to the support of the Air Force SA mission. SAMIS improves the effectiveness, timeliness, and accuracy of data processing relating to Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) negotiations, acquisition, and physical delivery functions of international logistics support requirements. It manages and supports the purchase of Air Force military equipment and supplies by foreign governments.

C13.6.2.6. Case Management Control System (CMCS). CMCS provides financial and logistical tracking for FMS cases, per congressional mandate. It provides creation and maintenance of case file data related to FMS cases for case planning, execution and management. This central collection point performs unique FMS accounting functions in real-time with on-line interactive financial management capabilities and updating/ reporting operations that interface with other systems during the life of a case. Such functions include obligation authority, commitments, expenditure authority, disbursement of funds, customer billing, total financial reporting, case oversight and delivery of goods made on FMS cases including line and case closure to support the Air Force SA mission.

C13.6.3. Case Execution Supporting Systems. The DSCA funded case execution systems that interface to systems subsumed by the case execution solution (SCES) are as follows:

C13.6.3.1. Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS). DSAMS is a DoD standard system which provides timely and accurate data of the FMS case development and implementation processes as well as the life cycle processes of International Military Education and Training (IMET).

C13. DSAMS – Case Development Module (CDM). DSAMS can create a new case or modify an existing case through a case amendment or modification. Once the case information is entered, DSAMS can then print an LOA, amendment, or modification for USG signature and approval by the customer. DSAMS will keep information for the case in general and for each specific version (basic case, amendment, or modification) of the case. DSAMS has the capability to task activities to provide support during the case development process. DSAMS can also track the progress of a case through the use of milestones. In addition to case development, DSAMS can also develop Price and Availability (P&A) documents or model cases. A P&A is used when the customer requests a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) of the cost and availability of an item or service. An LOA is not generated from a P&A request. Model cases can also be developed in DSAMS to provide several options to the customer.

C13. DSAMS – Training Module (TM). The Security Assistance Training Program (SATP) consists of U.S. military training assistance to eligible countries. SA training includes training of foreign personnel authorized under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for IMET, as amended, and the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) for FMS training, as amended. Traditional IMET and FMS authority is limited to training military and civilian personnel for the host nation defense establishment. Legislation for expanded IMET provides authority to train defense and non-defense personnel with emphasis on civilians from other government agencies and legislators involved in defense matters. DSAMS-TM manages training for FMS cases, IMET, and other training programs.

C13.6.3.2. Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP). SCIP provides web-based visibility of information about U.S. FMS and other key SC programs and processes. The information is available from anywhere in the world. The only requirement is that the users have access to a web browser and the appropriate permissions are established on the users account. Data is sourced from DSAMS case information and selected portions of case execution which is derived from the MILDEP systems (e.g., Army’s CISIL, Navy’s MISIL, and Air Forces SAMIS) in a standardized format. SCIP provides customers case information, regardless of which MILDEP is managing the case and data can be viewed from the day the case is first entered into the system. SCIP is a tool for international customers, customer agents (e.g., freight forwarders), and USG personnel with appropriate permissions.

C13. End Use Monitoring (EUM). SCIP has been enhanced to provide an EUM application that tracks government-to-government defense article items. Items are tracked at the serial number level on a country by country basis. All items are categorized under a specific Defense Article, and Military Articles and Services List (MASL) identifier. SCIP provides not only tracking information for all items, but provides inventory management controls.

C13. Security Cooperation Management Suite (SCMS). SCMS resides within the SCIP and is a joint service, web-based capability that provides U.S. officials with a common operating picture of the SC process. SCMS has joint U.S. military and civilian users globally from all branches of the U.S. armed forces and associated support Commands, which increases joint communication resulting in enhanced decision making. SCMS provides USG personnel with key information used to track high priority FMS programs, and is especially useful during the oversight process for expiring funds and those FMS cases that are funded via U.S. appropriated sources. SCMS allows data input and customization through its multiple reports showing information by appropriation and program which allows for intense information sharing among multiple program participants. Although initially conceived to support the war effort in Iraq, the utility of SCMS was recognized by additional communities within DSCA. SCMS has been expanded for use with all the Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs, which proved to be of great benefit to U.S. decision makers when planning how to best build partner nation capacity.

C13. Enhanced Freight Tracking System (EFTS). EFTS is a secure web-based application, resident in the SCIP, and serves as a consolidated source for SC material in-transit information. EFTS does not replace existing shipment systems, but rather provides a clearing house of all available shipment information in a single supplemental tracking system to provide additional visibility of equipment and material shipment. EFTS receives data from DLA, contractors, depots, Defense Transportation System, carriers, freight forwarders, consolidation points, and ports of embarkation and debarkation. This allows EFTS to provide visibility of the SC material distribution pipeline for all classes of supply and modes of transportation either outbound from the United States to the purchaser's country or materiel returning to the United States or U.S. facility overseas.

C13.6.3.3. DSCA 1000 System. The DSCA 1000 Management Information System supports the Military Assistance Program (MAP), Section 506 Presidential Draw-downs, and the IMET program. The 1000 System supports the Military Assistance Program Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Military Assistance Service Funded (MASF) Section 552 emergency assistance and Section 506A emergency assistance. It provides reports to DSCA staff, MILDEPs and other government agencies.

C13.6.3.4. EDA Web. The Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Tracking System records the agreement between the international customer and MILDEP regarding the specific excess items to be transferred. The EDA Web page is the user interface for the EDA tracking system, and is not a separate system.

C13.6.3.5. DSCA 1200 System Business Function. The DSCA 1200 System is a classified DoD system that contains a compilation of country data providing status of FMS and Pseudo FMS negotiations from LOR to closure/completion. The DSCA 1200 System is managed and maintained by DSCA (Information Technology Directorate). Requests for DSCA 1200 reports should be sent to DSCA (Business Operations Directorate). Many reports from the DSCA 1200 System are classified.

C13.6.4. DSCA Headquarters’ (HQ)/DISAM Managed Systems. The systems maintained by the DSCA Headquarters’ Application Group or DISAM are as follows:

C13.6.4.1. Security Assistance Network (SAN). The SAN is a network used to exchange SC training and budget information between overseas Security Cooperation Offices (SCO), Combatant Commands (CCMDs), MILDEPs, DSCA, DFAS, DoD Schoolhouses, Regional Centers (RCs), and International Host Nation Organizations. The SAN also hosts the SAOweb, IMSOweb, and ISANweb. Its access is restricted to authorized users by user accounts and passwords. The SAN stores Standardized Training List (STL) for all countries, and Training MASL.

C13.6.4.2. International SANweb (ISANweb). The ISANweb is a web-based tool that enables the host nation to manage their training program. It allows the host nation to view, but not input or change, the information listed in Table C13.T2.

Table C13.T2. International SANweb Information For Host Nation

International SANweb Information

STL information for their country

Training MASL information

IMSO POC information

SCO POC information

Schoolhouse Location Information

International Notes

ITO Repository

C13.6.5. SAOweb and IMSOweb. SAOweb and IMSOweb are web-based tools that enable SCOs and International Military Student Offices (IMSOs) to manage their training program online. The system allows SCOs to perform the functions listed in Table C13.T3. online via a webpage:

Table C13.T3. SCO SAOweb and IMSOweb Functions

International SANweb Information

View STL for their country

View Training MASL

View Student Information and arrival messages

View IMSO POC information

View SCO POC information

Perform Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP) student nominations

Submit Combined Education Training Program Plan (CETPP)

Data validation and input for DSCA’s Congressional Report for Military International Training (CRMIT)

Manage and track students coming to schoolhouse

Enter Student Arrival / Completion Reports

Enter Student Progress Messages

Access ITO Repository

Enter IMSO POC information

Enter Location Information

Enter International Notes

C13.6.6. Security Cooperation Training Management System (SC-TMS). SC-TMS is used by SCOs to manage the SC training program for their country. It allows SCOs to perform the functions listed in Table C13.T4.

Table C13.T4. SC-TMS Functions

SC-TMS Functions

View STL

View Training MASL data

Enter Student information

Enter SCO POC information

Create Invitational Travel Orders for international military students

View IMSO POC information

View Schoolhouse Location Information

C13.6.7. Planning Programming Budget and Execution (PPBE). DSCA’s PPBE Enterprise Planner is a web-based application that allows authorized users to quickly review, enters, and submits both Budget and POM data. Users enter data at the Object Class and Work Year levels by Program Element for a specific Fiscal Year. PPBE Enterprise Planner provides a robust review, reject and resubmit capability and maintains a complete audit trail of changes made at all levels.

C13.6.8. Security Cooperation Integrated Resource Management System (SCIRMS). SCIRMS is a web-based feeder system to the Washington Headquarters Services Allotment Accounting System (WAAS), an accounting system used for a majority of DoD organizations and funds.

C13.6.9. Security Assistance Manpower Requirements System (SAMRS). SAMRS is an electronic, web-based application for creating and processing FMS Manpower Requirements Packages (MRPs).

C13.6.10. Case Tracking System (CTS). CTS provides the status of new case coordination within DSCA and the MILDEPs. It reports the length of time between each coordination point.

C13.6.11. Congressional Notification System (CNS). CNS is an application for recording and tracking of Congressional Notifications of military equipment and services for foreign government sales and leases. Data is input and maintained by DSCA (Business Operations Directorate).

C13.6.12. Direct Commercial Contracts System (DCCS). DCCS is an application developed to track Direct Commercial Contracts financed by FMF funds. It provides input for audits and inspections and monthly status reports.

C13.6.13. Egyptian Budget Management Information System (EBMIS). EBMIS is an application developed to ensure that the multi-year Egyptian Armament program does not exceed $1.3B over a five-year period.

C13.6.14. FMF/IMET Budget. The FMF and IMET Budget Formulation and Submission Tool provides the capability for submission and management of budget requests via the World Wide Web. The web tool provides a central, on-line repository of FMF and IMET budgetary data that provides a timely, efficient, and visible method for budget development and subsequent reporting. SCOs that have difficulty accessing the web tool may submit their data via another mode for import into the web tool, with approval from DSCA.

C13.6.15. FMS Credit System (FMSCS). The FMSCS records loans and grants for Military Assistance Program (MAP) and FMF country programs, disbursements, and collection on repayable loans. The system produces bills and provides data for input to accounting systems by DFAS-IN.

C13.6.16. Sales Forecast/Javits System (SF/JS). The SF/JS is a sales forecasting tool that projects sales and potential revenue for the future two calendar years. Javits System lists all potential Sales/Transfers for the coming calendar year, and provides inputs to DoS for inclusion in its annual report to Congress.

C13.6.17. GlobalNET (formerly Regional International Outreach (RIO) Portal). GlobalNET is a common information technology application to improve international outreach efforts and to strengthen collaboration among the DSCA Regional Centers (RCs), OSD, and other DoD educational institutions. This program serves educators and students by allowing the RCs to share information, collaborate on projects, and improve administrative activities with OSD, the CCDRs, and DSCA. The program is integrating the student and knowledge management systems of RCs to provide them the ability to collaborate with foreign alumni and members of international organizations.

C13.6.18. Regional Centers Person and Activity Management System (RCPAMS). DSCA’s Centers Management Office manages the five RCs, which collectively host SC events for no less than 159 countries. With the deployment of RCPAMS, DSCA tracks foreign military students and faculty in the same system, as well as U.S. students who are not tracked in DSAMS. It also holds event activities, such as receptions, field study trips and breakout sessions, so it covers all of the RCs operations and reporting needs. RCPAMS has a single user interface with standardized terminology and data elements. It eliminates duplicate manual data entry tasks - now planned events loaded into DSAMS and participants enrolled by the SCOs in the Embassies around the world flow into RCPAMS automatically, and status updates flow back to those systems.

Page Updated 09-12-2012