Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
Table C10.T12. Daily Supplemental Living Allowances for International Military Students (IMS) under Security Cooperation Programs


# Govt or Contracted Govt Quarters Mess Dependents Encouraged Authorized Dependents Accompany Student Living Allowance Rate Remarks
1 Yes No No

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (not-to-exceed (NTE) maximum lodging rates stated in the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR))

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

2 No No No

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

A statement of non-availability or equivalent must be issued to the IMS and filed with voucher.

IMS must also provide lodging and utility receipts and, if applicable, a copy of rental agreement or lodging receipt.

3 Yes Yes No

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR government meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

4 Yes One or two meals are available No

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR proportional meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

5 Yes and free of charge Yes and free of charge No

$11 special IMS incidentals

6 Yes and free of charge Available aboard ship No

Government meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

7 Yes but International Military Student chooses to live off base/post


8 No No Yes Yes

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

Availability of quarters is based upon the availability of government family housing.

IMS must provide lodging and utility receipts and, if applicable, a copy of the rental agreement, and certify that dependents reside with IMS for at least 75% of the course duration.

9 Yes No Yes

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

10 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

Availability of quarters is based upon the availability of government family housing.

11 Yes One or two meals are available Yes Yes

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ JFTR local meal rate

+ $11 special IMS incidentals

Availability of quarters is based upon the availability of government family housing.

12 Bachelor Govt or Contracted Quarters are available but student chooses to reside off base/post No Yes


13 N/A N/A

Actual cost of lodging and utilities (NTE maximum lodging rates stated in JFTR)

+ meals in accordance with JFTR

+ applicable OCONUS incidentals.

When a student from one country is attending a regional Mobile Education and Training (MET) course in another country.

Additional Information for Table C10.T12.

  1. Quarters available means that USG quarters or contracted government quarters were either furnished or made available.

  2. Mess available means three meals per day are available in a USG dining facility, whether or not actually consumed.

  3. When TLA is authorized, the travel allowance rate includes the day of departure from home country to the day of arrival at, and day of departure from, each training installation, and the day of arrival at home country. TLA rates, while the IMS is on travel status including unscheduled delays, are based on rates equal to the JFTR per diem rates for U.S. personnel in a TDY status. In most cases, students do not receive his/her first TLA payment until he/she has been in CONUS for two weeks; therefore, the SCO is authorized to advance the student sufficient funds in U.S. dollars to meet all expenses while the student is en route, to include not less than two weeks advance up to thirty days advance TLA. Any such advances must be annotated in the special conditions block of the ITO to prevent duplicate payment of entitlements at CONUS training activities.

  4. When the IMS is scheduled to attend training for 5 weeks or less, the SCO is authorized to purchase roundtrip transportation and to pay the student total authorized living allowance entitlements at the time of departure. Government Transportation Request number (GTR #) and amounts paid for transportation and living allowances are annotated in the special conditions block of the ITO to prevent duplicate payment of entitlements.

  5. If the duration of training at the last training installation is two weeks or less, and/or the last training installation has no means of paying the IMS, the International Military Student Officer (IMSO) at the next-to-last training installation arranges for advance payment of travel and living allowance for that period of time to the day of arrival at the next follow-on training installation or country. Except for periods of leave, the student ITO is endorsed in the Special Conditions Block to identify the period of time for which advanced living and travel allowances were made.

  6. If it is determined that an IMS who has departed the CONUS or overseas training activity was overpaid in CONUS or at the overseas activity, no attempt would be made to collect the overpayment from the student. The IA determines whether a funding adjustment via the SC training program is necessary.

  7. Accompanied students living off post/base attending courses where dependents are authorized may draw a living allowance advance upon arrival in CONUS of an amount equal to the estimated living allowances for the first 45 days at a particular location. The student living allowance drawn during the period of training is adjusted to ensure that the amount of the advance is fully recovered before the student completes training at that location.

  8. When an IMS with authorized dependents is subsequently hospitalized, the TLA rate must continue to be paid.

  9. TLA is not authorized for leave periods before or following completion/termination of training. Leave with living allowance may be granted during periods of class breaks, authorized holidays, and between consecutive courses.

  10. Guest instructors assigned to WHINSEC, IAAFA or NAVSCIATTS are paid a living allowance based upon the installation's government quarters or government contracted quarters’ rates by grade and a standard subsistence allowance regardless of rank. Guest instructors’ allowances are paid out of the MILDEP’s Operations and Maintenance account, not SC training programs.

  11. When an IMS is authorized TLA and is concurrently TDY, the IMS will be reimbursed for travel and per diem (lodging, subsistence and incidentals) in accordance with the JFTR rate for the TDY location and if required, to pay rent/lodging while TDY, plus the lodging portion of the TLA authorized at the training location.

  12. When the IMS pays for lodging, regardless of whether it is government lodging or commercial lodging, the IMS must provide a lodging receipt with each TLA claim. If a rental agreement has been signed, a copy of that agreement is also provided with each TLA claim. When the IMS resides in an apartment, the lodging expense includes the cost of standard utilities, furniture rental, and maid service, equal to what the JFTR allows a U.S. military member on TDY renting an apartment.

Page Updated 09-12-2012