Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
DSCA 11-15
Open Signed PDF Memo
DoD Shield

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Movement of Explosive Materials by Commercial Conveyance, DSCA Policy 11-15

Shipments of hazardous materials in the U.S. must comply with the applicable provisions of the U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations and international transportation standards issued by the Department of Transportation.

This memorandum provides guidance for securing the proper authorizations, known as EX Numbers, from the Department of Transportation to move hazardous materials by commercial conveyance in the U.S. It is the responsibility of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Purchaser to secure the authorizations, but coordination with the Military Departments will be needed to ensure that the FMS Purchaser has all needed information to submit a complete application. Please ensure widest dissemination of this policy, particularly to FMS Purchasers.

This change will be included in the automated version of the SAMM found on the DSCA web page as SAMM E-Change 183. Updates to the SAMM are posted regularly at If you have questions concerning this guidance, please contact Mr. Todd Hughes, DSCA/STR/POL,, (703) 604-6598.

William E. Landay III
Vice Admiral, USN

Movements of Explosive Material by Commercial Conveyance, SAMM E-Change 183

  1. Chapter 7, section C7.18. is inserted with the following paragraphs


    Shipments of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) must comply with the applicable provisions of 49 CFR, Subchapter C, U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), (reference (dk)), and international transportation standards. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT/PHMSA) regulates commercial conveyance of HAZMAT in the U.S. DOT/PMHSA issues authorizations, known as EX-Numbers, which are required for commercial conveyance of all HAZMAT containing any amount of Hazardous Class 1 (HC1) Explosives, such as rockets, missiles, torpedoes, and explosives.

    C7.18.1. Use of EX-Numbers. A unique DOT/PHMSA-issued EX-Number is associated with every HC1 article and must be assigned before the article can be moved by commercial conveyance in U.S. As required by the HMR, each EX-Number provides an article's assigned Hazard Class and Division, proper shipping name, and United Nations (UN) identification number. An EX-Number can be filed for each HC1 article, or groups of articles that have the same UN identification number, hazard classification, and packaging instructions, rather than on a per-shipment basis. Most EX-Numbers also have the specific packaging/container requirements for the identified HC1 material. If alternative packaging arrangements are used, then a specific EX-number for packaging must be obtained from DOT/PHMSA.

    C7.18.1.1. Use of DoD EX-Numbers for export of FMS-origin articles from the U.S. DOT/PHMSA issues DoD-specific EX-Numbers for movement of DoD HC1 articles. The DoD EX-Number may be used by the FMS Purchaser for the initial export from the U.S. to the Purchaser's country if the materiel is moving through the Defense Transportation System (DTS) to the destination. Otherwise, FMS Purchasers are responsible for obtaining all appropriate authorizations.

    C7. FMS-origin HC1 articles being moved by the DTS to the Purchaser's country (DTC 7 and 9) may use the DoD EX-Number for the initial export. Once custody of the materiel is transferred to the Purchaser, the DoD EX-Number is no longer valid for the movement of FMS-origin HC1 articles.

    C7. The DoD EX-Number may be used for the FMS Purchaser pick-up of HC1 at a DoD-controlled Port of Embarkation (DTC 8). The use of the DoD EX-Number by the Purchaser is valid only while the materiel remains in U.S. territorial jurisdiction and is immediately exiting the U.S. after being loaded into a waiting ship or aircraft owned or contracted by the FMS Purchaser. DoD EX Numbers cannot be used for any subsequent movement in the Purchaser's country or internationally. Any subsequent movement outside of the U.S. must use a Purchaser equivalent of an EX-Number.

    C7.18.1.2. EX-Numbers issued to FMS Purchasers. Any commercial movement by the Purchaser or its freight forwarder of FMS HC1 materiel within the U.S. or the return of any HC1 materiel to the U.S. for any reason, such as repair, modification, upgrade, testing, or training exercises, requires that the Purchaser first apply directly to DOT/PHMSA for an EX-Number following the process detailed under C7.18.2. DoD will assist Purchaser applications for EX-Numbers by providing needed documents. Any exemption to the EX-Number application process, known as a Special Permit, must be secured directly from DOT/PHMSA without the assistance of DOD.

    C7.18.2. Securing EX-Numbers from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Purchasers must apply for a DOT/PMHSA-issued EX-Number for each HC1 article if the materiel is expected to return to the U.S. for any reason. The application must originate from a Purchaser's internationally-recognized Competent Authority. Competent Authorities are recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) as being able to coordinate a country's policies and procedures for HAZMAT movements with those of other governments. An application should be filed for each HC1 article, or groups of articles that have the same UN identification number, hazard classification, and packaging instructions, rather than on a per-shipment basis. The length of time an EX-Number is valid varies depending on the type of application filed. EX-Numbers must be obtained for FMS articles that remain in the original configurations and for FMS articles that have been modified from their originally-purchased configuration, including packaging.

    C7.18.2.1. Applications. Application documentation for obtaining DOT/PMHSA-issued EX-Numbers must be addressed and mailed to:

    U.S. Department of Transportation
    Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
    Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
    Approvals and Permits Divisionv 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    East Building, 2nd Floor, PHH-32
    Washington, DC 20590-0001

    Electronic submittal of completed applications in pdf format can be emailed to:, or applications may be completed and submitted online at: An application submitted through the online system should receive an email confirmation containing a tracking number within 48 hours.

    C7. Unmodified FMS Articles. A new EX-Number must be obtained by the FMS Purchaser prior to any commercial transport in the U.S. of FMS articles containing HC1 that remain in the original configuration with no modifications. The following documentation, all in English, is required to be submitted to DOT/PMHSA by the FMS Purchaser's Competent Authority:

    1. Request Letter. The request letter should clearly identify the article for which an EX-Number is being sought, including nomenclature, National Stock Number (NSN), part number, UN Number, proper shipping name, and Hazard Class/Explosive Division, as listed on its Competent Authority Documentation. It should also identify by name, U.S. address, U.S. phone number, and email, a designated agent that permanently resides in the U.S. (per 49 CFR � 105.40) for DOT/PHMSA to contact should more information be needed to evaluate the submitted application. The Purchaser can use a contact at its Embassy or Consulate located in the U.S. as the designated agent. The Purchaser's Competent Authority must submit its own authorization designating the hazard classification for each explosive article, which will be used by DOT/PHMSA as the basis of the EX-Number application. The Competent Authority authorization must:

      1. Include a statement indicating that the article is an initial delivery and that it has not been modified since being procured by the Purchaser.

      2. Include same hazard classification/product description/NSN/etc., as that used in the DoD EX-Number. This condition is necessary for the shipped article to properly clear U.S. Customs under the repair/return conditions specified in the LOA.

      3. Differentiate the asset from articles in DoD's inventory by including Unique Identification by adding of a designated Country Code suffix located in Table C4.T2. to the original P/N.

    2. Certification. If the item and/or packaging has not been changed since initial procurement from the U.S., then a statement to that effect must be included in the Competent Authority's application. The certification that the item has been maintained and stored in accordance with DoD-provided maintenance and storage procedures should be included.

    3. Unique Identification. DOT/PMHSA must have a unique way of identifying the HC1 material as belonging to that specific country. Table C4.T2. includes a three-digit suffix which should be added to the Part Number for all EX-Number applications. The unique identifier will also differentiate FMS articles from DoD material in the Joint Hazard Classification System (JHCS). If there is no Part Number, the Purchaser must use some other unique marking to identify the materiel as country-specific. The unique identifier must be marked on all packaging.

    4. Proof of Ownership. DOT/PHMSA must see proof of ownership for the materiel. The LOA cover page, including the page containing the item description for the article(s) that is/are being processed for a new EX-Number, is acceptable to identify the material as FMS-origin

    5. *Confirmation of Classification from DoD. The letter from a Recognized Cognizant Explosives Hazard Classifier supplied by the Implementing Agency can be used by DOT/PHMSA to support a Purchaser's EX-Number application that is submitted without technical documentation. This letter must be provided by a Recognized Cognizant Explosives Hazard Classifier with the authority to evaluate explosive materials per TB700-2 (reference (dk)).

    6. * Joint Hazard Classification System (JHCS) record printout sheet. This will be used in comparing the FMS-purchased materiel to DoD materiel. It is recommended that the hazard classification and UN identification number on the JHCS sheet be used by the Purchaser's Competent Authority to class its hazardous material.

    7. * Special Packaging Instructions (SPI), if applicable. SPIs are used to evaluate packaging, shipping, and handling requirements. If a SPI was used as part of the DoD EX-Number documentation, it will be required as part of the documentation for the Purchaser to obtain a new EX-Number.

    NOTE: * The Implementing Agency is responsible for providing this information to the Purchaser.

    C7. Modified FMS Articles. Modified articles are considered to be "new explosives" under 49 CFR � 173.56(a). Prior to movement of such assets in the U.S., a Purchaser's Competent Authority, as the "manufacturer" of the new explosive, must apply for and obtain a new EX-Number. The following set of informational documentation, all in English, is required to be submitted to DOT/PMHSA as an EX-Number application for modified FMS articles:

    1. Request Letter. The request letter:

      1. Specifies the regulation under which the approval is being sought and indicates both the asset product description and the entity or organization to be named on the EX-Number.

      2. Clearly provides the article product description (article and packaging configuration), highlighting details of all modifications relative to the original configuration purchased through FMS, particularly those potentially affecting the article's explosive energetics and means of initiation or ignition.

      3. Identifies by name, U.S. address, U.S. phone number, and email, an agent for service that permanently resides in the U.S. (per 49 CFR � 105.40), for DOT/PHMSA to contact should more information be needed to evaluate the application. The Purchaser can use a contact at its Embassy or Consulate located in the U.S. as the designated agent.

    2. Competent Authority Approval. The Purchaser's Competent Authority should issue an authorization indicating the product description, Part Number, NSN (if applicable), hazard classification/division, proper shipping name, UN identification number, and any relevant packaging instructions. The authorization must have a certified signature to be valid and should be included as an enclosure. NOTE: A new NSN is required if the form, fit, or function, or explosive energetics of the article has been modified.

    3. Provides as an enclosure, a copy of engineering diagrams or drawings specifically showing the physical arrangement of all explosive-containing subassemblies or assemblies that are parts of the modified article, to include illustration of the article's physical packaging arrangement.

    4. Provides as an enclosure, a copy of a table supplementing the engineering diagrams by providing the technical names, location callouts, and weights of all explosive compositions in the modified article's subassemblies and assemblies.

    5. A statement certifying, or not, that the item has been maintained and stored in accordance with DoD-provided maintenance and storage procedures.

  2. Renumber subsequent sections/tables/figures as required to accommodate above changes.

Table C4.T2. - Country, International Organization, and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility

Country/ Territory(Host Country) FMS Country Code Combatant Command \1 Region Grouping \2 FMS AECA Eligible \3 Accel. Case Closure Eligible EX Number Suffix
Afghanistan AF CE NESA Yes Yes 001
Albania AL EU EUR Yes Yes 002
Algeria AG AF AFR Yes Yes 003
Andorra AN EU EUR No N/A N/A
Angola AO AF AFR Yes Yes 004
Anguilla (UK) AV SO AR No N/A N/A
Antigua and Barbuda AC SO AR Yes Yes 005
Argentina AR SO AR Yes Yes 006
Armenia AM EU EUR Yes Yes 007
Aruba AA SO AR No N/A N/A
Australia AT (AS) PA EAP Yes Yes 008
Austria AU EU EUR Yes Yes 009
Azerbaijan AJ EU EUR Yes Yes 010
Bahamas BF NO \6 AR Yes Yes 011
Bahrain BA CE NESA Yes Yes 012
Bahrain National Guard BZ CE NESA Yes Yes N/A
Bangladesh BG PA NESA Yes Yes 013
Barbados BB SO AR Yes Yes 014
Belarus BO EU EUR No N/A N/A
Belgium BE EU EUR Yes Yes 015
Belize BH SO AR Yes Yes 016
Benin DA (BN) AF AFR Yes Yes 017
Bermuda (UK) BD NO AR No N/A N/A
Bhutan BT PA NESA No Yes N/A
Bolivia BL SO AR Yes Yes 018
Bolivia INC D1 SO AR Yes Yes N/A
Bosnia-Herzegovina BK EU EUR Yes Yes 019
Botswana BC AF AFR Yes Yes 020
Brazil BR SO AR Yes No 021
British Indian Ocean Territory (UK) IO PA NESA No N/A N/A
British Virgin Islands (UK) VI NO \7 AR No N/A N/A
Brunei BX PA EAP Yes Yes 022
Bulgaria BU EU EUR Yes Yes 023
Burkina Faso UV AF AFR Yes Yes 024
Burma BM PA EAP Yes Yes 025
Burundi BY AF AFR Yes Yes 026
Cambodia CB PA EAP Yes Yes 027
Cameroon CM AF AFR Yes Yes 028
Canada CN (CA) NO EUR Yes Yes 029
Cape Verde, Republic of CV AF AFR Yes Yes 030
Cayman Islands (UK) CJ SO AR No N/A N/A
Central African Republic CT AF AFR Yes Yes 031
Chad CD AF AFR Yes Yes 032
Chile CI SO AR Yes Yes 033
China CH PA EAP Yes Yes 034
Colombia CO SO AR Yes Yes 035
Colombia INC D5 SO AR Yes Yes N/A
Comoros CR (CN) AF AFR Yes Yes 036
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) CF AF AFR Yes Yes 037
Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kinshasa) CX (CG) AF AFR Yes Yes 038
Cook Islands (NZ) CW PA EAP Yes Yes 039
Costa Rica CS SO AR Yes Yes 040
Croatia HR EU EUR Yes Yes 041
Cuba CU NO AR No N/A N/A
Cyprus CY EU EUR No N/A N/A
Czechoslovakia \5 CZ EU EUR No N/A N/A
Czech Republic EZ EU EUR Yes Yes 042
Denmark DE (DA) EU EUR Yes Yes 043
Djibouti DJ AF AFR Yes Yes 044
Dominica DO SO AR Yes Yes 045
Dominican Republic DR SO AR Yes Yes 046
East Timor TT PA EAP Yes Yes 047
Ecuador EC SO AR Yes Yes 048
Ecuador INC D6 SO AR Yes Yes N/A
Egypt EG CE NESA Yes Yes 049
El Salvador ES SO AR Yes Yes 050
Equatorial Guinea EK AF AFR Yes Yes 051
Eritrea ER AF AFR Yes Yes 052
Estonia EN EU EUR Yes Yes 053
Ethiopia ET AF AFR Yes Yes 054
Faeroe Islands (DE) FO EU EUR No N/A N/A
Falkland Islands (UK) FA SO AR No N/A N/A
Fiji FJ PA EAP Yes Yes 055
Finland FI EU EUR Yes Yes 056
France FR EU EUR Yes No 057
French Guiana (FR) FG SO AR No N/A N/A
French Polynesia (FR) FP PA EAP No N/A N/A
Gabon GB AF AFR Yes Yes 058
Gambia GA AF AFR Yes Yes 059
Georgia GG EU EUR Yes Yes 060
Germany GY (GM) EU EUR Yes Yes 061
Ghana GH AF AFR Yes Yes 062
Gibraltar (UK) GI EU EUR No N/A N/A
Greece GR EU EUR Yes Yes 063
Greenland (DE) GL EU AR No N/A N/A
Grenada GJ SO AR Yes Yes 064
Guadeloupe (FR) GP SO AR No N/A N/A
Guatemala GT SO AR Yes Yes 065
Guinea GV AF AFR Yes Yes 066
Guinea-Bissau PU AF AFR Yes Yes 067
Guyana GU SO AR Yes Yes 068
Haiti HA SO AR Yes Yes 069
Honduras HO SO AR Yes Yes 070
Hong Kong (CH) HK PA EAP No N/A N/A
Hungary HU EU EUR Yes Yes 071
Iceland IL (IC) EU EUR Yes Yes 072
India IN PA NESA Yes Yes 073
Indochina IC PA EAP No N/A N/A
Indonesia ID PA EAP Yes Yes 074
Iraq IQ CE NESA Yes N/A 075
Ireland EI EU EUR Yes Yes 076
Israel IS EU NESA Yes Yes 077
Italy IT EU EUR Yes Yes 078
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) IV AF AFR Yes Yes 079
Jamaica JM SO AR Yes Yes 080
Japan JA PA EAP Yes Yes 081
Jordan JO CE NESA Yes Yes 082
Kazakhstan KZ CE EUR Yes Yes 083
Kenya KE AF AFR Yes Yes 084
Kiribati KR PA EAP Yes Yes 085
Korea (North) KN PA EAP No N/A N/A
Korea (Seoul) KS PA EAP Yes Yes 086
Kosovo KV EU EU Yes No 087
Kuwait KU CE NESA Yes Yes 088
Kyrgyzstan KG CE EUR Yes Yes 089
Laos LA PA EAP Yes Yes 090
Latvia LG EU EUR Yes Yes 091
Lebanon LE CE NESA Yes Yes 092
Lesotho LT AF AFR Yes Yes 093
Liberia LI AF AFR Yes Yes 094
Libya LY AF AFR Yes No 095
Liechtenstein LS EU EUR No N/A N/A
Lithuania LH EU EUR Yes Yes 096
Luxembourg LX (LU) EU EUR Yes Yes 097
Macau (CH) MC PA EAP No N/A N/A
Macedonia MK EU EUR Yes Yes 098
Madagascar MA AF AFR Yes Yes 099
Malawi MI AF AFR Yes Yes 100
Malaysia MF (MY) PA EAP Yes Yes 101
Maldives MV PA NESA Yes Yes 102
Mali RM (ML) AF AFR Yes Yes 103
Malta MT EU EUR Yes Yes 104
Marshall Islands R1 (RM) PA EAP Yes Yes 105
Martinique (FR) MB SO AR No N/A N/A
Mauritania MR AF AFR Yes Yes 106
Mauritius MP AF AFR Yes Yes 107
Mexico MX NO AR Yes Yes 108
Micronesia FM PA EAP Yes Yes 109
Moldova MD EU EUR Yes Yes 110
Monaco MN EU EUR No N/A N/A
Mongolia MG PA EAP Yes Yes 111
Morocco MO AF AFR Yes Yes 112
Mozambique MZ AF AFR Yes Yes 113
Myanmar (see Burma)          
Namibia WA AF AFR Yes Yes 114
Nauru NR PA EAP No N/A N/A
Nepal NP PA NESA Yes Yes 115
Netherlands NE (NL) EU EUR Yes Yes 116
Netherlands Antilles (NE) NA (NT) SO AR No N/A N/A
New Caledonia (FR) NC PA EAP No N/A N/A
New Zealand NZ PA EAP Yes Yes 117
Nicaragua NU SO AR Yes Yes 118
Niger NK (NG) AF AFR Yes Yes 119
Nigeria NI AF AFR Yes Yes 120
Niue (NZ) NQ PA EAP No N/A N/A
Norfolk Island (AT) NF PA EAP No N/A N/A
Norway NO EU EUR Yes Yes 121
Oman MU CE NESA Yes Yes 122
Pakistan PK CE NESA Yes Yes 123
Palau PS PA EAP Yes Yes 124
Palestinian Authority PW CE NESA No No N/A
Panama PN (PM) SO AR Yes Yes 125
Papua-New Guinea PP PA EAP Yes Yes 126
Paraguay PA SO AR Yes Yes 127
Peru PE SO AR Yes Yes 128
Peru INC D3 SO AR Yes Yes 129
Philippines PI (RP) PA EAP Yes Yes 130
Pitcairn (UK) PC PA EAP No N/A N/A
Poland PL EU EUR Yes Yes 131
Portugal PT (PO) EU EUR Yes Yes 132
Qatar QA CE NESA Yes Yes 133
Republic of Montenegro MJ EU EUR Yes No 134
Republic of Serbia RB EU EUR Yes No 135
Reunion (FR) RE AF AFR No N/A N/A
Romania RO EU EUR Yes Yes 136
Russia RS EU EUR Yes Yes 137
Rwanda RW AF AFR Yes Yes 138
Saint Helena (UK) SH AF AFR No N/A N/A
Saint Kitts and Nevis SC SO AR Yes Yes 139
Saint Lucia ST SO AR Yes Yes 140
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FR) SB SO AR No N/A N/A
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC SO AR Yes Yes 141
Samoa WS PA EAP Yes Yes 142
San Marino SM EU EUR No No N/A
Sao Tome and Principe TP AF AFR Yes Yes 143
Saudi Arabia SR (SA) CE NESA Yes Yes 144
Saudi Arabia Ministry of the Interior SD CE NESA Yes Yes 145
Saudi Arabia National Guard SI CE NESA Yes Yes 146
Senegal SK (SG) AF AFR Yes Yes 147
Serbia (Refer to Republic of Serbia) S2 (SR) EU EUR No No N/A
Serbia and Montenegro YI EU EUR No No N/A
Seychelles SE AF AFR Yes Yes 148
Sierra Leone SL AF AFR Yes Yes 149
Singapore SN PA EAP Yes Yes 150
Slovak Republic LO EU EUR Yes Yes 151
Slovenia S3 (SI) EU EUR Yes Yes 152
Solomon Islands BP PA EAP Yes Yes 153
Somalia SO AF AFR Yes Yes 154
South Africa UA (SF) AF AFR Yes Yes 155
Spain SP EU EUR Yes Yes 156
Sri Lanka CE PA NESA Yes Yes 157
Sudan SU AF AFR Yes Yes 158
Government of Southern Sudan SX AF AFR No N/A N/A
Suriname NS SO AR Yes Yes 159
Swaziland WZ AF AFR Yes No 160
Sweden SW EU EUR Yes No 161
Switzerland SZ EU EUR Yes Yes 162
Syria SY CE NESA No No N/A
Taiwan TW PA EAP Yes Yes 163
Tajikistan TI CE EUR Yes Yes 164
Tanzania TZ AF AFR Yes Yes 165
Thailand TH PA EAP Yes Yes 166
Togo TO AF AFR Yes Yes 167
Tokelau (NZ) TL PA EAP No No N/A
Tonga TN PA EAP Yes Yes 168
Trinidad-Tobago TD SO AR Yes Yes 169
Tunisia TU (TS) AF AFR Yes Yes 170
Turkey TK (TU) EU EUR Yes Yes 171
Turkmenistan TX CE EUR Yes Yes 172
Turks and Caicos (UK) TS NO AR No No N/A
Tuvalu TV PA EAP Yes Yes 173
Uganda UG AF AFR Yes Yes 174
Ukraine UP EU EUR Yes Yes 175
United Arab Emirates (previous code TC) AE CE NESA Yes Yes 176
United Kingdom UK EU EUR Yes Yes 177
United Kingdom Polaris Project UZ EU EUR Yes No 178
United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo T2 EU EU No N/A N/A
Uruguay UY SO AR Yes Yes 179
Uzbekistan U2 CE EUR Yes Yes 180
Vanuatu NH PA EAP Yes Yes 181
Venezuela VE SO AR Yes Yes 182
Vietnam (previous code VS) VM PA EAP Yes Yes 183
Western Sahara WI AF AFR No N/A N/A
Yemen YE (YM) CE NESA Yes Yes 184
Yemen, Aden YS (YM) CE NESA No N/A N/A
Zaire (see Congo, Kinshasa)          
Zambia ZA AF AFR Yes Yes 185
Zimbabwe ZI AF AFR Yes Yes 186
Page Updated 5/10/2012