Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
C.09. - 2003 Archive Version




Archival copy of the 2003 Edition of the SAMM

Chapter Title
0 Front Matter
1 Security Assistance Overview
2 Responsibilities and Relationships
3 Technology Transfer and Disclosure
4 FMS General Info
5 FMS Case Development
6 FMS Case Implementation, Execution, and Closure
7 Transportation
8 End-Use Monitoring (EUM)
9 Financial Policies and Procedures
10 International Training
11 Special Programs and Services
12 HA and MA Programs
13 DSCA Mgmt Info Systems and Reports
14 Forecasting
15 Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Programs


Appendix Title
1 Nonrecurring Cost Recoupment Charges for Major Defense Equipment
2 Transportation Cost Look-up Table
3 FMF Loan and Grant Agreements
4 Generic Codes
5 Congressional Reports and DSCA Reports Control System
Page Updated 05-01-2012