Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
C.06. - Acronyms


Acronym Description
AA&EArms, Ammunition, and Explosive
AACAcquisition Advice Code
AARAfter Action Review
ACCAccelerated Case Closure
ACSAAcquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements
ADLAdvanced Distributed Learning
AECAArms Export Control Act
AESAutomated Export System
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AFSATAir Force Security Assistance Training Squadron (AFSAT)
AIDAgency for International Development
AIM-9XAir Intercept Missiles-9X
ALOAudit Liaison Officer
ALPAviation Leadership Program
AMCAir Mobility Command
AMRAAMAdvanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles
AOAction Officer
AODAnticipated Offer Date
AORAreas of Responsibility
APOArmy or Air Force Post Office
ASD (RA)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs
ASD(ISP)Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
ASD(LA)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs
ASD(RA)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs
ASD/SOLIC&ICAssistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities
ASFFAfghanistan Security Forces Fund
AT/FPAnti-Terrorism/Force Protection
ATEAAnti-Tamper Executive Agent
ATMGArms Transfer Management Group
AWOLAbsent Without Leave
BAMSBroad Area Maritime Surveillance
BATFEBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
BESBudget Estimate Submission
BLBill of Lading
BOSBase Operating Support
BPBudget Project
BPCBuilding Partner Capacity
C4ISRCommand, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
CAOCollateral Action Officer
CAPECost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office
CASContract Administrative Surcharge
CATMCaptive Air Training Missiles
CAVCompliance Assessment Visit
CBJCongressional Budget Justification
CBJFOCongressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations
CBLCommercial Bill of Lading
CBPCustoms and Border Protection
CBSCommercial Buying Service
CCIControlled Cryptographic Item
CCIFCombatant Command Initiative Funds
CCLCommerce Control List
CCMDGeographical Combatant Command
CDMCase Development Module
CDRCritical Design Review
CDTSCounter-Drug Training Support
CETPPCombined Education and Training Program Plan
CFDCountry Finance Director
CFSContract Field Services
CFVCaptive Flight Vehicles
CG-DCO-IU.S. Coast Guard, Directorate of International Affairs and Foreign Policy (CG-DCO-I)
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CIOChief Information Officer
CISILCentralized Integrated System – International Logistics
CISMOACommunications and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement
CJCSChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSIChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CLOCountry Liaison Officer
CLSContractor Logistics Support
CLSSACooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement
CLUsCommand Launch Units
CMCSCase Management Control System
CNSCongressional Notification System
COCOMsCombatant Commands
CODELsCongressional Staff Delegations
COMChief of Mission
COMSECCommunications Security
CONUSContinental United States
COPECountry Over Private Entity
CORCOMCoordinating Committee
CPDCountry Program Director
CPICritical Program Information
CPICCapital Planning and Investment Control
CPSAChild Status Protection Act
CRContinuing Resolution
CRAContinuing Resolution Authority
CRBChange Review Board
CRSPCoalition Readiness Support Program
CSCommunications Security
C-SEAPCadet Semester Exchange Abroad Program
CTACountry Team Assessment
CTFPCombating Terrorism Fellowship Program
CTSCase Tracking System
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
CWCCConventional Weapons Clearance Course
CWMDCountering Weapons of Mass Destruction
DARDefense Acquisition Regulation
DASA DE&CDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Exports and Cooperation
DASDDeputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
DATTDefense Attaché
DATTsDefense Attachés
DBOBusiness Operations Directorate
DCAADefense Contract Audit Agency
DCCSDirect Commercial Contracts System
DCMADefense Contract Management Agency
DCMODeputy Chief Management Officer
DCSDirect Commercial Sales
DDADesignated Disclosure Authority
DDLDelegation of Disclosure Authority Letter
DDPODoD Demilitarization Program Office
DELGDefense Export Loan Guarantee
DESCDefense Energy Support Center
DFARSDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Services
DFAS-INDefense Finance and Accounting Service - Indianapolis
DGRDesignated Government Representative
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DIACAPDoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process
DIADSDSCA IMET Allocation Database System
DIFSDefense Integrated Financial System
DIRNSADirector, National Security Agency
DISAMDefense Institute of Security Assistance Management
DISCODefense Industrial Security Clearance Office
DITPRDoD IT Portfolio Repository
DLADefense Logistics Agency
DLIELCDefense Language Institute English Language Center
DLMSDefense Logistics Management System
DoCDepartment of Commerce
DOCDistribution Operations Center
DoDDepartment of Defense
DODAACDoD Activity Address Code
DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive
DoJDepartment of Justice
DoSDepartment of State
DoS (PM)DoS Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
DoS (PM/DDTC)DoS Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
DoS (PM/RSAT)DoS Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers
DoS(DTC)DoS Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
DOT/PMHSADepartment of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
DPDisaster Preparedness
DREACTReactivation Authorized Milestone
DRRSDefense Readiness Reporting System
DSADCDefense Security Assistance Development Center
DSAMSDefense Security Assistance Management System
DSCADefense Security Cooperation Agency
DSSDefense Security Service
DTCDelivery Term Code
DTRDefense Transportation Regulation
DTRADefense Threat Reduction Agency
DTSDefense Transportation System
DTSADefense Technology Security Administration
DTSIDefense Trade Security Initiative
DVOTDistinguished Visitor Orientation Tour
DWCFDefense Working Capital Fund
DXDirect Exchange
E.O.Executive Order
EACCEnhanced Accelerated Case Closure
EBMISEgyptian Budget Management Information System
ECLEnglish Comprehension Level
EDAExcess Defense Articles
EEEEmergency, Extraordinary, Expenses
EEIElectronic Export Information
EEUMEnhanced EUM
EFTSEnhanced Freight Tracking Systems
EGRTExpeditionary Requirements Generation Team
E-IMETExpanded International Military Education and Training
ELTEnglish Language Training
ELTMEnglish Language Training Materials
ENDPException to National Disclosure Policy
EOExecutive Order
EODExplosive Ordnance Disposal
EOQEconomic Order Quantity
EPExcess Property
EPGEuropean Participating Governments
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
ERWExplosive Remnants of War
ESCExecutive Steering Committee
ESEPEngineer and Scientist Exchange Program
ETSSExtended Training Service Specialist
EUMEnd-Use Monitoring
EWElectronic Warfare
EWIRDElectronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming Database
EWIRDBElectronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming Database
EXECSECExecutive Secretary
EXORDExecute Order
FAAForeign Assistance Act
FADForce Activity Designator
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
FAVFamiliarization and Assistance Visits
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FCGForeign Clearance Guide
FCMForeign Consequence Management
FDRForeign Disaster Relief
FFBFederal Financing Bank
FFPFirm Fixed Price
FGIForeign Government Information
FICSFMS Integrated Control System
FMCFull Mission Capable
FMFForeign Military Financing
FMRFinancial Management Regulations/Review
FMSForeign Military Sale
FMSCSFMS Credit System
FMSOForeign Military Sales Order
FMTForeign Military Training
FOBFree on board
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FOMFigure of Merit
FOTFollow-on Training
FOUOFor Official Use Only
FPIOFinancial Policy and Internal Operations Division
FPOFleet Post Office
FRBFederal Reserve Bank
FSCFacility Security Clearance
FSCAFacility Security Clearance Assurance
FSNForeign Service Nationa
FSPField Studies Program
FTEFlight Training Exchanges
FTPFunded Transportation Program
FVSDoD Foreign Visit System
FYFiscal Year
GAOGeneral Accounting Office
GCCGeographic Combatant Command
GCUsGuidance Control Units
GEFGuidance for Employment of the Force
GEOINTGeospatial Intelligence
GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFMGlobal Force Management
GPOIGlobal Peacekeeping Operations Initiative
GSAGeneral Security Agreement
GSAGlobal Strategic Affairs
GSOIAGeneral Security of Information Agreement
GSOIAsGeneral Security of Information Agreements
GSOMIAGeneral Security of Military Information Agreement
GUGuidance Units
HAHumanitarian Assistance
HAP-EPHumanitarian Assistance Program - Excess Property
HAZMATHazardous Materials
HCAHumanitarian and Civic Assistance
HDTCHumanitarian Demining Training Center
HMAHumanitarian Mine Action
HMRHazardous Materials Regulations
IAImplementing Agency
IAAFAInter-American Air Forces Academy
IACInternational Armaments Cooperation
IAsImplementing Agencies
ICASSInternational Cooperative Administrative Support Services
ICEImmigration and Customs Enforcement
ICMInternal Management Control
ICPInventory Control Point
ICRIn-Country Reprogramming
IEPInformation Exchange Program
IFFIdentification, Friend or Foe
IGCIntegrated Data Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence
IGCEIndependent Government Cost Estimate
ILCOInternational Logistics Control Office
ILCSInternational Logistics Communication System
IMASInternational Mine Action Standards
IMETInternational Military Education and Training
IMSMAInformation Management Systems for Mine Action
IMSOInternational Military Student Office
INCLEInternational Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement
INFOSECInformation Security
IPOInternational Programs Office
ISANwebInternational SANweb
ISFFIraq Security Forces Fund
ISNInternational Security and Nonproliferation
ISTLIntegrated Standard Training List
ITInformation Technology
ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITOInvitational Travel Order
ITVInstrument Telemetry Vehicle
J&AJustification and Approval
JASSMJoint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles
JCETJoint Combined Exchange Training
JCMOJoint COMSEC Management Office
JFTRJoint Federal Travel Regulations
JMPABJoint Materiel Priority Allocation Board
JOPESJoint Operation Planning Execution System
JSCETJoint Security Cooperation and Education Training
JSOWJoint Standoff Weapons
JTRJoint Travel Regulations
JVIJoint Visual Inspection
LAIRCMLarge Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures
LDTLanguage Training Detachment
LESLocally Engaged Staff
LOALetter of Offer and Acceptance
LORLetter of Request
LPALegislative and Public Affairs
LTDLanguage Training Detachment
MANPADSMan-Portable Air Defense System
MAPMilitary Assistance Program
MAPADMilitary Assistance Program Address Directory
MARADMaritime Administration
MASLMilitary Articles and Services List
MCSCGMarine Corps SC Group
MCTRMissile Technology Control Regime
MDEMajor Defense Equipment
MDFMission Data File
MERHCMedicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care
METMobile Education Teams
MFAMinistry of Foreign Affairs
MFPMajor Force Program
MFRMemorandum for Record
MILDEPsMilitary Departments
MILSTRIPMilitary Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
MIPRMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MISILManagement Information System - International Logistics
MISOMilitary Information Support to Operations
MLAManufacturing License Agreements
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MODMinistry of Defense
MOPMonthly Obligation Plan
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MSMission Sustainment
MSCMilitary Sealift Command
MSPMission Strategic Plan
MSRPMission Strategic Resource Plan
MSUMissile Simulator Units
MTCRMissile Technology Control Regime
MTDSManpower and Travel Data Sheets
MTFMilitary Treatment Facility
MTIsMilitary Tasks for Interoperability
MTTMobile Training Team
NANotice of Availability
NACSINational COMSEC Instruction
NADNational Armaments Director
NAMSANATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
NASICNational Air and Space Intelligence Center
NATMSpecial Air Training Missiles
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATOAGSNATO Alliance Ground Surveillance
NAVSCIATTSNaval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School
Navy IPONavy International Programs Office Strategic Planning Directorate
NCNonrecurring Cost
NDANational Distribution Authority
NDPNational Disclosure Policy
NDPCNational Disclosure Policy Committee
NDPSNational Disclosure Policy System
NDUNational Defense University
NETSAFANaval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSAFA)
NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NICSMANATO Integrated Communication System Management Agency
NISPNational Industrial Security Program
NISPOMNational Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
NOANotice of Availability
Non-ACCC6.8.2. Non-Accelerated Case Closure
NSANational Security Agency
NSASNational Security Assistance Strategy
NSCNational Security Council
NSDDNational Security Decision Directive
NSIPNATO Security Investment Program
NSNNational Stock Number
NSSNational Security Staff
NSSCNotice of Supply/Services Completion
NVDNight Vision Device
NVDsNight Vision Devices
O&MOperations and Maintenance
OEDOffer Expiration Date
OHASISOverseas Humanitarian Assistance Shared Information System
OHDACAOverseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid
OIObligational Authority
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OPCONOperational Control
OPIOral Proficiency Interview
ORCOffer Release Code
ORFOfficial Representation Funds
OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense
OUSD(C)Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
OUSD(P)Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
OUSDPOffice of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
P&APrice and Availability
PAProcurement Appropriation
PAOPrimary Action Officer
PBAS-OCProgram Budget Accounting System – Order Control
PC&HPacking, Crating and Handling
PCF/PCCFPakistan Counterinsurgency Fund/Counterinsurgency Capability Fund
PCH&TPacking, crating, handling, and transportation
PCSPermanent Change of Station
PDPresidential Determination
PDAPrincipal Disclosure Authority
PDMProgram Decision Memorandum
PDSSPre-Deployment Site Survey
PfPPartnership for Peace
PKOPeacekeeping Operations
PMEProfessional Military Education
PMRProgram Management Review
POCPoint of Contact
POEPort of Embarkation
POMProgram Objective Memorandum
POW/MIAPrisoner of War/Missing in Action
PPBEPlanning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
PPRPositions of Prominence Report
PRDProcurement Requirements Documentation
PROSParts and Repair Ordering System
PSAPersonal Services Agreement
PSOSO/LIC Partnership Strategy
PVOPrivate Voluntary Organizations
PWSPerformance Work Statement
QoLQuality of Life
RCRegional Centers
RCNRecord Control Number
RD&AResearch, Development, and Acquisition
RDAesearch, Development, and Acquisition
RDT&EResearch, Development, Test and Evaluation
RIMRetainable Instructional Materials
RSORegional Security Officer
RSTRequirement Survey Team
SASeucrity Assistance
SAAL-NISecretary of the Army for Defense Exports and Cooperation
SAAMSpecial Assigned Airlift Mission
SAARMSSecurity Assistance Automated Resource Management System/Suite
SAF/IADeputy Under Secretary of the Air Force International Affairs
SAF/IARWSecretary of the Air Force for International Affairs Regional Weapons Division
SAM-CSecurity Assistance Management CONUS Course
SAM-CFSecurity Assistance Management Financial Management Course
SAM-CRSecurity Assistance Management Reconciliation and Closure Course
SAM-CSSecurity Assistance Management Logistics and Customer Support Course
SAMISSecurity Assistance Management Information System
SAMMSecurity Assistance Management Manual
SAMRSSecurity Assistance Manpower Requirements System
SAM-TO/TMSecurity Assistance Management Training Management Course
SANSecurity Assistance Network
SATFASecurity Assistance Training Field Activity (SATFA)
SBASpecial Billing Arrangement
SCSecurity Cooperation
SCESSecurity Cooperation Enterprise Solution
SCETSecurity Cooperation Education and Training
SCETWGSecurity Cooperation Education and Training Working Groups
SCGBSecurity Cooperation Governance Board
SCISensitive Compartmented Information
SCIPSecurity Cooperation Information Portal
SCIRMSSecurity Cooperation Integrated Resource Management System
SCMLSmall Case Management Line
SCMSSecurity Cooperation Management Suite
SCOSecurity Cooperation Organization
SCOASecurity Cooperation Organization Assessment
SCOsSecurity Cooperation Organizations
SC-TMSSecurity Cooperation-Training Management System
SDAFSpecial Defense Acquisition Fund
SDDCSurface Deployment and Distribution Command
SDOSenior Defense Official
SDO/DATTsSenior Defense Official/Defense Attaché
SDRSupply Discrepancy Report
SECDEFSecretary of Defense
SEDShipper’s Export Declaration
SESSenior Executive Service
SETSpecialized English Training
SF/JSSales Forecast/Javits System
SHAPESupreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SIGCOMNational SIGINT Committee
SIPRNETSecret Internet Protocol Router Network
SLAM-ERStandoff Land Attack Missiles Expanded Response
SLSStandard Level of Service
SMESignificant Military Equipment
SNAPSimplified Non-Standard Acquisition Process
SO/LICSpecial Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
SOCSpecial Operations Command
SOCOMU.S. Special Operations Command
SOFAValidation and Verification
SOLICSpecial Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures
SoSSource of Supply
SOWStatement of Work
SPANSecurity Policy Automation Network
SPOSystem Program Office
SRCSecurity Risk Categories
SSCSupply and Services Competition
SSDCSurface Deployment and Distribution Command
STLStandard Training List
SVIsingle vendor integrity
TAType of Assistance
TAATechnical Assistance Agreement
TACTraining Analysis Codes
TAFTTechnical Assistance Field Team
TARTeam After-Action Report
TATTechnical Assistance Team
TBCTransportation Bill Code
TCATraditional COCOM Activities
TCCTheater Security Cooperation
TCNTransportation Control Number
TDATable of Distribution and Allowances
TDPTechnical Data Package
THAADTerminal High Altitude Area Defense
TIPTrafficking in Persons
TLATravel and Living Allowance
TLWTermination Liability Worksheet
TMTraining Module
T-MASLTraining Military Articles and Services Listings
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
TORTerms of Reference
TOW-2BTube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided Missiles
TPATotal Package Approach
TRANSCOMU.S. Transportation Command
TSCTrade Security Controls
TSCIMSTheater Security Cooperation Information Management System
TSCMISTheater Security Cooperation Management Information System
TVLTailored Vendor Logistics
UAUnauthorized Absence
UASUnmanned Aircraft Systems
UAVUnmanned Air Vehicle
UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
ULOUn-Liquidated Obligation
UMMIPSUniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System
UNUnited Nations
UNDUrgency of Need Designator
UNLOAUN Letter of Assist
UPTUndergraduate Pilot Training
USAFU.S. Air Force
USAIDU.S. Agency for International Development
USAMMAU.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USD(AT&L)Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
USD(C)Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
USD(I)Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
USD(P&R)Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
USD(P)Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USGUnited States Government
USMLUnited States Munitions List
USNU.S. Navy
USPACOMU.S. Pacific Command
USUNU.S. Mission to the United Nations
V&AValuation and Availability
V&VValidation and Verification
VINVehicle Identification Number
VMSLPVehicle Mounted Stinger Launched Platform
WAASWashington Headquarters Services Allotment Accounting System
WCFWorking Capital Fund
WCNWorksheet Control Number
WFDWorkforce Development
WHINSECWestern Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
WIFWarsaw Initiative Fund
XTNExternal Control Number
Page Updated 04-24-2012