Community Relations

Inbound Checklist : Welcome Aboard 

This page gives an overview of the steps you need to take when you receive orders to MCAS Iwakuni.

Please print the full checklist , fill it out as you complete each step, and keep it with you during your PCS.

Upon notification of orders to MCAS Iwakuni:
  • Visit our Welcome Aboard section, Military OneSource, and MilitaryHOMEFRONTfor relocation information.
  • If you are accompanied, begin the screening process for overseas suitability of all family members.
  • Obtain the necessary information at your installation’s Relocation Office.
  • Ensure all accompanied family members have passports.
Upon approval of Area Clearance:
  • Contact your assigned sponsor for various arrangements, such as getting a mail box, temporary lodging, housing, etc.
  • Arrange a household goods shipment at your installation’s Distribution Management Office (DMO).
  • Make travel arrangements at the Passenger Travel Office.
  • Contact your assigned sponsor, gaining unit, or staff duty to make local transportation arrangements.
Upon arrival aboard MCAS Iwakuni:
  • Upon arrival, have your PCS orders endorsed at the Joint Reception Center (JRC).
  • On the next duty day, check in at the necessary offices.
  • Attend the Welcome Aboard Indoctrination at the Club Iwakuni.

    Welcome Aboard Indoctrination

    • All SOFA personnel 13 and older are required to attend this mandatory orientation.
    • During this orientation you will learn about your responsibilities as a member of the military community, Japanese culture and customs and much more. You will also have the opportunity to meet the representatives from different entities from aboard the Air Station during information fair and learn about the services available to you.
    • Date: Every Monday **If Monday is a holiday the brief will be held on Wednesday**
    • Location: Club Iwakuni
    • Attend the brief in appropriate civilian attire, no uniforms.
    • Free childcare is provided at the Child Development Center and the School Age Center.
    • For more information, call the Information, Referral, and Relocation office at 253-6161, or visit: