Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
Open Signed PDF Memo
DoD Shield

201 12th STREET SOUTH, STE 203
ARLINGTON, VA 22202-5408



New IMET Living Allowances Rates



TO :

AIG 8797


  1. FY99 FY00 Security Assistance Training Policy Meeting 17-10 November 1998.
  2. SAMM DoD 5105.38M, Table 1001-2
  1. During Ref A, the training community discussed current IMET living allowance (LA) rates and the fact that rates have not changed since FY91. Also discussed was input from numerous training activities indicating that due to economic problems in a large number of IMET recipient countries, there are many cases where the IMET students are not being paid their salaries or other supplemental compensation from their governments while attending training under the IMET program, and are therefore experiencing considerable financial hardship. Also at Ref A, DSCA was informed that the military departments have directed that all VOQ/VEQS are to become self sustaining financially. To do so, VOQ/VEQS will bill actual rates vice the traditional subsidized rates we are accustomed to. This means that lodging rates charged to our international military students (IMS), which have been fairly stable at around $8 -$11 per day, will increase dramatically at some military facilities, to as much as $47 per day. At Ref A, it was determined that corrective action must be taken and that existing rates published in Ref B needed to be revised to accommodate both inflation, since FY91, and VOQ/VEQ rate changes. The following rate changes are the result of a comprehensive review of the current IMET living allowance rates conducted by DSCA and the military services.

    Ref B will be revised as follows:

    Description Officers/

    In travel status, Including unscheduled delays; notes: (1)(13)



    In training status:
    - Neither quarters nor mess available
    - At designated schools with dependents;
    - Notes: (2)(4)(5)(6)(8)(9)



    - At designated PME with dependents.

    note (3)

    note (3)

    - All others; notes: (5)(6)(8)(9)



    - Government or government contracted quarters available, mess not Dependents encouraged
    -- Actual cost for quarters (plus)
    -- Notes: (2)(6)(7)(8)(9)



    - All others:
    -- Actual cost for quarters (plus)
    -- Notes: (6)(7)(9)



    - Mess available, quarters not
    -- Actual cost for mess (plus);
    -- notes: (6)(7)(9)



    - Government or government contracted quarters and mess available;
    -- notes (6)(7)(9)(11)(12)



    - Actual cost for quarters and mess (plus)
    -- Quarters and mess available free of charge,
    -- Note (9)



    - Quarters free and officers charged for mess (aboard ship)
    -- Actual cost for mess (plus)



    - In military hospital;
    -- note: (8)
    -- Officers charged for mess,
    -- Actual cost for mess (plus



    - Orientation tour participants/
    -- Met phase II participants; note (10)



    - On leave; notes (2)(3)(9)




    1. When IMET pays TLA, travel allowance rate is authorized to include the day of departure from home country to the day of arrival at, and day of departure from, each training installation, and the day of arrival at home country. Rates on travel status, including unscheduled delays, are based on rates equal to those in the JTR for us personnel. The SAO is authorized to advance a minimum supplemental living allowance of $250 to each IMS prior to departure.

    2. This rate is authorized only for accompanied IMS with dependents encouraged by the DoD who attend the following courses designated by the MILDEPS: army war college, army command and general staff college, and National Defense University; Air War College, Air Force Command And Staff College, Squadron Officer School, and graduate programs at the Air Force Institute Of Technology; Naval Command, Naval Staff College, and naval postgraduate school; USMC Command And Staff College, USMC Amphibious Warfare School, and Armed Forces Staff College; and Army Command And Staff College at the U S Army School of the Americas. This rate is also authorized for prerequisite courses, follow-on courses, and authorized leave periods. Foreign enlisted students are not authorized accompanied dependents except for those attending the US Army Sergeants Major Academy [SMA].

    3. Increased living allowances are only authorized when approval by DSCA has been obtained and item 15 of the ITO has been annotated with that approval. In order to obtain DSCA approval, a front channel message request from the country must provide the following information: Confirmation that student will be accompanied by at least his/her spouse and living off-post, and the amount of financial support student will receive from host country. Also, if necessary, the SAO must identify training lines within current program to be unfunded to absorb the increased living allowance. The following increases are authorized:

      1. Accompanied students (dependents must reside with IMS for duration of training to qualify) living off post/base at Army Command and General Staff College, Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, USMC Command and Staff College, USMC Amphibious Warfare School: $90 a day.

      2. Accompanied students (dependents must reside with IMS for duration of training to qualify) attending the Army War College and Armed Forces Staff College: $100 a day.

      3. Accompanied students (dependents must reside with IMS for duration of training to qualify) living off post/base at the National Defense University, Navy Command College, and Naval Staff College: $120 a day. Students are not authorized the above rates while at DLIELC, prerequisite courses not located at the above listed schools, follow-on courses, or during authorized leave periods upon completion of training.

    4. Accompanied students living off post/base attending courses where dependents are authorized may draw a living allowance advanced upon arrival in CONUS of an amount up to but not to exceed ten percent of their total living allowance authorized at a particular location. The student living allowance drawn during the period of training will be adjusted to ensure that the amount of the advance is fully recovered before the student completes training at the location.

    5. A non-availability of government quarters statement is required to receive these allowance rates.

    6. The government or government contracted quarters rate will only be paid if government quarters or government contracted quarters are used.

    7. Quarters available means that USG quarters were either furnished or made available. Mess available means three meals per day were available in a USG mess, whether or not actually consumed. USG mess excludes open mess and is not considered available to IMS officers except where separate messing facilities are available for officers or international students. IMS not authorized a USG living allowance will pay for their meals. Meals taken in other food service facilities will be paid for by the IMS at the menu rates. In overseas areas, including Hawaii, where USG quarters and mess are not available, the rates authorized are equal to those authorized for us personnel in the JTR. It is recommended if the IMS from another country is attending a regional mobile education course, the IMS be paid the hosting countries recommended cost for lodging and meals, not to exceed the JTR.

    8. When an IMS is authorized the accompanied or with dependents rate and is subsequently hospitalized, the accompanied rates shall apply during the period of hospitalization, rather than the reduced rate specified herein.

    9. Living allowance for leave periods following termination of training is not authorized. Leave with living allowances may be granted during periods of class breaks, authorized holidays, between consecutive courses, and delays at a port while awaiting transportation at the rate that is appropriate to the training status.

    10. Cost to be paid by class a agent/cashier escort officer.

    11. Guest instructors assigned to USARSA, IAAFFA or NAVSCIATTS will be paid a living allowance based upon the installations government quarters or government contracted quarters rates by grade and a standard subsistence allowance regardless of rank. Guest instructor allowances are paid out of the military services operations and maintenance account instead of the IMET account.

    12. In addition to the $11 a day the enlisted IMS will receive directly, the IA will program additional funds for reimbursement for meals and billeting fees. The cost of quarters and meals for enlisted IMS will be billed to the IMET program rather than paid by the IMS. The programming figure will vary depending on type of government quarters available.

    13. When IMS is scheduled to attend training for two weeks or less, the SAO is authorized to purchase roundtrip transportation and to pay IMS total living allowance entitlements at time of departure.

    14. If the duration of training at the last training installation is two weeks or less, and or the gaining training installation has no means of paying the IMS, the IMSO at the losing installation will arrange for advance payment of living and travel allowances for that period of time to the day of arrival at the next follow-on training installation or country, except for periods of leave. The IMSS ITO will be endorsed to identify the period of time for which advanced living and travel allowances were made.

  2. DSCA approves the above table for implementation effective 1 October 1999 for all IMS in training. This change is applicable to IMS funded in FY99 or previous FYs who will continue training after 1 October 1999. Request MILDEP field training agencies adjust LA costs programmed as soon as possible.

  3. Since LA increases will impact the total IMET program, SAOs should begin to readjust their FY2000 IMET programs to absorb the la increases by reprioritizing within their FY2000 program and/or transferring displaced training requirements to FY2001.

  4. Remember that the IMET LA is a supplemental living allowance and is intended to assist with additional personal expenses that the IMS incurs while away from their home and is not a substitute for pay or other compensation necessitated by duty outside of ones country.

  5. This message has been coordinated with State Department.

  6. DSCA point of contact for this message is Mrs. Kay Judkins, DSCA/PSD-PMD, DSN 3293719 or Com (703) 601-3719

Page Updated 5/10/2012