Community Relations

Contact us 

How to call us

Emergency Phone Numbers Reminder

  • Anti-terrorism force protection hotline : 253-ATFP(2837)
  • Life limb or loss of vision threatening emergencies while on the air station : 119 or 911. From a cell phone or for bilingual capability : 082-721-7700.
  • For security issues, contact the Provost Marshal’s Office : 253-3303.
  • To report without talking to a person, Crime Stoppers : 253-3333.

For base operator (main switchboard)
DSN Commercial number from Japan Commercial number from U.S.
253-1110 0827-79-1110 or 0827-21-4171 011-81-827-79-1110

For specific number
If you have a specific number you would like to call, use the following prefixes:
DSN Commercial number from Japan Commercial number from U.S.
253-**** 0827-79-**** 011-81-827-79-****

Phone directory

Staff Duty Officers
Organization DSN Commercial number from Japan Commercial number from U.S.
H&HS 253-4001 0827-79-4001 011-81-827-79-4001
H&HS (except the duty hours) N/A 080-6612-9229 (cell) 011-81-080-6612-9229
MAG-12 253-4029 0827-79-4029 011-81-827-79-4029
MAG-12 (except the duty hours) 253-3497 or 4301 0827-79-3497 or 4301 011-81-827-79-3497 or 4301
MALS-12 253-4024 0827-79-4024 011-81-827-79-4024
MALS-12 (except the duty hours) 253-4349 0827-79-4349 011-81-827-79-4349
CLC-36 (24 hours) 253-6826 0827-79-6826 011-81-827-79-6826
MWSS-171 (24 hours) 253-6406 0827-79-6406 011-81-827-79-6406
Duty hours are; 4 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. on weekday, and 24 hours on weekend/holidays.

The entire phone directory is available here.

Public Affairs Office

Telephone numbers
DSN 253-5551
Commercial number within Japan: 0827-79-5551
Commercial number from the U.S.: 011-81-827-79-5551
