INTERFERENCE PROTECTION CRITERIA Phase 1 - Compilation from Existing Sources

Report ID: 
NTIA 05-432
October 01, 2005

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
launched this two-phase study of interference protection criteria (IPC) in order to
compile, explain and validate, modify or supplement the levels of protection from
interference that are generally expected and provided for various radiocommunication
systems. The study is an integral part of President Bush’s Spectrum Policy Initiative
that was established in May 2003 to promote the development and implementation of a
United States spectrum policy for the 21st century. The Secretary of Commerce then
established a Federal Government Spectrum Task Force and initiated a series of public
meetings to address improvements in policies affecting spectrum use by the Federal
Government, State, and local governments, and the private sector. The
recommendations resulting from these activities were included in a two-part series of
reports released by the Secretary of Commerce in June 2004, under the title Spectrum
Policy for the 21st Century - The Presidents Spectrum Policy Initiative. Based on the
recommendations contained in these Reports, the President directed the federal
agencies on November 30, 2004, to plan the implementation of the 24
recommendations contained in the Reports. There were several recommendations that
will consider the interference protection criteria contained in this study including:
• assessment of new technologies and their impact on incumbent
• managing interference;
• development of a “Best Practices Handbook” for spectrum engineering;
• establishment a pilot program and long-range plan for improved sharing of
spectrum between federal and non-federal entities; and
• creation of new analytical computer models that will facilitate spectrum