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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Research ResourcesSurvey of Consumer Finances

1983-89 Panel Survey of Consumer Finances

Summary Results

Special Note on the 1983-1989 Panel SCF
The 1989 SCF had an overlapping panel/cross-section sample design that can be approximately characterized as follows. 1983 participants who still lived at their 1983 addresses in 1989 were included in both the panel and the cross-section. A sample of 1983 participants who had moved was followed, and these cases have only panel representation. New residents of 1983 sample addresses and members of a newly selected cross-section sample have only cross-sectional representation. The data referenced on the 1983-89 Panel SCF data page pertain only to cases with panel representation. Data for cases with cross-sectional representation may be found on the 1989 SCF page.

  • Resources for this survey

  • Summary Results
  • Summary Results
  • Documentation
  • Survey Data
Last update: March 27, 2012