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Cartoon showing Pegler charging racketeers with a pen

Who Was Westbrook Pegler?

The original right-wing takedown artist

Stein in France with her longtime friend Bernard Faÿ

The Strange Politics of Gertrude Stein

Was the den mother of modernism a fascist?

Photograph of Fort Ross

Russian Dreams of an American Colony

Fort Ross on California's rocky coast contained an oasis of Russian refinement.

Photo portrait of Philip Larkin

"Moving and Memorable"

The complete poems of Philip Larkin

Richard and Mildred Loving in 1965.

The Right to Love

The freedom to marry across racial lines was tested by a shy Virginia couple, who were very much in love.

Library of America book covers for Vonnegut

Unhappy Camper

The hijacking of Vonnegut's early education embarrassed him not just at the time but down the road, when his career would bring him into contact with writers more well-read than he was.

Man in profile with spine-out books image superimposed on head

Humanities on the Brain

New collaborations between neuroscientists and humanists look to reunite the "two cultures" of the academy.

Genevieve receiving King Mark's letter

Dating Fashionable Middle-Aged People

A scholar's epic journey to catalog two hundred years of medieval dress.

Plaque with face of Stefan Zeromski

Żeromski the Magnificent!

The novelist who captured Polish life even as it was changing

View through a bench in Central Park.

Public Parking

Frederick Law Olmsted designed pastoral escapes for the urban masses.