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The President Shapes the Program


The President manages the operations of the federal government through executive orders and issues decisions on foreign affairs and national security matters through Presidential decision directives. These documents shape EPA's Radiation Protection Program.

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Executive Orders

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Establishing the Federal Radiation Council
EO 10831

The Federal Radiation Council was established to advise the President on radiation matters related to health. It was given the authority to seek technical advice from outside sources. These responsibilities and authorities were transferred to EPA when it was established by President Nixon under Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970.

Federal Emergency Management
EO 12148

EO 12148 assigns the responsibility for developing a National Contingency Plan for responding to accidents at nuclear power plants to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities
EO 12656

EO 12656 assigns federal agencies specific roles and responsibilities in preparing for and responding to national security emergencies.

Establishing Office of Homeland Security - EO 13228

President Bush issued this Executive Order in October of 2001, in response to the tragedies on September 11, 2001. It establishes the Office of Homeland Security and a Homeland Security Council. It also assigns the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security the responsibility for developing and coordinating the implementation of a national strategy for protecting the nation from terrorist threats or attacks. In addition, it amends EO 12656 to include the Homeland Security Council.

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Presidential Decision Directives

U.S. Policy on Counter-Terrorism
PDD 39

Presidential Decision Directive 39 establishes how the United States will respond to the use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists. It assigns specific preparedness and response duties to a limited number of Federal agencies.

summary | putting PDD39 to work

Protection Against Unconventional Threats to the Homeland and Americans Overseas
PDD 62

PDD-62 directs federal agencies to establish a cross-agency program to make the United States more effective in countering terrorist threats and to prepare to manage the after effects of an attack.

summary | putting PDD62 to work

Critical Infrastructure Protection
PDD 63

PDD-63 was issued to ensure that critical infrastructures are protected from terrorist attack. Critical infrastructures are the physical and cyber-based systems that are necessary to keep the economy and government operating.

summary | putting PDD63 to work

Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government
PDD 67

PDD-67 directs the development of plans and capabilities to assure the continuity of government at all levels in any national security situation that might confront the nation. It assigns specific essential functions to be performed by Federal agencies based on existing statutory authorities and response capabilities.

summary | putting PDD67 to work

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