Research and Analysis by Jane L. Ross

Overview of the Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy Functions
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 48 No. 9 (released September 1985)
by Jane L. Ross

Research and Social Security Policy in the United States
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 50 No. 10 (released October 1987)
by Jane L. Ross

Treatment of Women in the U.S. Social Security System, 1970–88
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 56 No. 3 (released July 1993)
by Jane L. Ross and Melinda M. Upp

Wage Averaging Rules and the Distribution of Social Security Benefits
(released March 1976)
by Lawrence H. Thompson, Paul N. Van de Water, and Jane L. Ross

This paper analyzes four aspects of the Social Security benefit computation—the indexing of wage histories prior to computing average indexed monthly earnings, the number of years over which wages are averaged, the particular years of wages that are eligible for inclusion in the average, and the method of adjusting for length of service in the paid labor force. It reports how particular groups of retirees—men and women, blacks and whites, high-wage and low-wage—would fare under alternative benefit computation schemes.