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photo of wheat in a field
Global Trends in Agricultural Productivity
September 20, 2012
Total factor productivity-–a key measure of agricultural productivity-–is showing rapid growth globally, led by improvement in China and Brazil. See this and other features in the September Amber Waves.

New from ERS

Small plants in vegetable farm research
Agricultural Research: Public- and Private-Sector Roles
September 21, 2012
Eight-page brief examines the funding and performance of agricultural R&D to assess the evolving--and complementary--roles of the public and private sectors in the U.S. agricultural research system.
Food Assistance Programs and the Economy
September 21, 2012
ERS examines the relationship between economic conditions and participation across USDA’s five largest nutrition assistance programs, and describes how changes in policies and other factors affect participation.
Thumbnail image for ERR141
Household Food Security in the U.S. in 2011
September 20, 2012
The overall percentage of food-insecure U.S. households in 2011 was essentially unchanged from 2010. ERS monitors food security in an annual survey.
Large irrigation sprinkler on field
Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture
September 04, 2012
Agriculture accounts for 80-90 percent of U.S. consumptive water use. ERS draws on findings from several national surveys and current literature to assess water resource use and conservation measures within the irrigated crop sector.

Last updated: Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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