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The International Macroeconomic Data Set provides data from 1969 through 2020 for real (adjusted for inflation) gross domestic product (GDP), population, real exchange rates, and other variables for the 190 countries and 34 regions that are most important for U.S. agricultural trade.

The data presented here are a key component of the USDA Baseline projections process, and can be used as a benchmark for analyzing the impacts of U.S. and global macroeconomic shocks. The data for the Baseline projections are updated once a year to reflect the assumptions used for the Baseline. The historical data will be revised several times a year as the underlying data evolve.

Data Set  Download as Excel
DownloadsLast UpdatedNext Update
Historical Data FilesBack to top
Real GDP (2005 dollars) HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Population HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Real Exchange Rates HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
GDP Shares by Country and Region HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Historical Real Per Capita GDP ValuesDownload as Excel10/24/2012
GDP Deflators (2005 base) HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Consumer Price Indexes (2005 base) HistoricalDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Baseline Data FilesBack to top
Real GDP (2005 dollars) ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Population ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Real Exchange Rates ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
GDP Shares by Country and Region ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Real Per Capita GDP (2005 dollars) ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
GDP Deflators (2005 base) ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012
Consumer Price Indexes (2005 base) ProjectionsDownload as Excel10/24/2012

Last updated: Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For more information contact: Mathew Shane