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Milk Pricing in the United States

by Donald Blayney and Alden C. Manchester

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB-761) 24 pp, February 2001

Cover image for aib761 Over the past 125 years, a complex system of both public and private pricing institutions has evolved to deal with milk production, assembly, and distribution. The pricing of milk in the United States is part market-determined, and part publicly administered through a wide variety of pricing regulations. This report examines the many facets of pricing milk as it moves from the farm gate to alternative users

Keywords: Milk, prices, dairy policy, milk products, dairy products, milk production, United States, dairy cooperatives, price supports, milk marketing, Federal milk market orders

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

For more information contact: Donald Blayney and Alden C. Manchester