Do you ask your patients if they've tested their homes for radon?

The following videos explain how asking this important question could save lives:
This video was made possible by a grant to Dr. Bill Field at the University of Iowa from the Iowa Cancer Consortium, with supplemental support from the NIEHS-funded Environmental Health Sciences Research Center at the University of Iowa. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about radon.
The following webinar, originally recorded on February 4, 2015, explores the issue of radon from a healthcare perspective and shares best practices for incorporating radon education into a healthcare setting. 

Free educational fliers and brochures to prompt discussion between physicians and patients:

Packets of 50 printed brochures or fliers may be ordered for free by emailing Allie Bain at All materials may also be downloaded and printed at will.  
Iowa-Specific Clinic Fliers: 
(Click on images below to view and print.)
  Non-Iowa-Specific Clinic Fliers:
(Click on images below to view and print.)
Spanish Clinic Flier:
(Click on image below to view and print.)
  Radon & You: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Family (Brochure-English and Spanish. Click on images below to view and print.)

Purchase a low-cost radon test kit from the American Lung Association:

Additional scientific information regarding the association between protracted radon decay product exposure and lung cancer are provided below.
     Residential radon and risk of lung cancer: a combined analysis of 7 North American case-control studies
  Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 European case-control studies
  Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study
  Prepared Testimony to President's cancer Panel on the risk posed by radon decay products
  National Research Council Report on Radon

International and National Guidance on Radon
    World Health Organization Radon Handbook
  President's Cancer Panel Report - Radon
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - A Citizen's Guide to Radon
  CanSAR (Cancer Survivors Against Radon) Letter to Physicians
  American Cancer Society Radon Information
  Health Physics Society Perspective on Radon
  ATSDR Case Study on Radon for Physicians
  ATSDR Toxicological Profile for Radon