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ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry

Build a Better World

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The ENERGY STAR Challenge is a national call-to-action to improve the energy efficiency of America's commercial and industrial buildings by 10 percent or more.

The Challenge for Industry recognizes industrial sites that improve their energy efficiency by 10% within 5 years.

Who Can Take the Challenge for Industry?

Any manufacturing site can take the Challenge for Industry. However, to receive EPA recognition, you need to be an ENERGY STAR partner.

Not an ENERGY STAR partner? Join today!

Why Take the Challenge for Industry?

Be part of the solution by reducing greenhouse gases caused by energy use.

Companies and sites that step up to the Challenge:

  • Demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment by pledging to improve energy performance with ENERGY STAR;
  • Leverage the most recognized name in energy efficiency to motivate sites;
  • Utilize ENERGY STAR resources and communication tools;
  • Create momentum for energy initiatives by establishing a public goal; and
  • Establish energy management practices for tracking and benchmarking energy performance that will help drive results.

Sites that achieve a 10 percent reduction in energy intensity within 5 years and whose parent company is an ENERGY STAR partner are recognized by the US EPA for their commitment to protecting the environment by fighting global climate change. The site earns:

  • Official certificate from EPA's ENERGY STAR program documenting savings.
  • A profile on the ENERGY STAR web site.
  • Letter from EPA to the company's CEO highlighting their accomplishments.

Learn More and Take the ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry