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Alabama State Energy Code for Buildings

Savings For 
Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building
Program Information

Commercial, Residential

Program Type 
Building Energy Code

''Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP web sites.''

Residential Energy Code for Alabama (RECA), a voluntary state developed code equivalent to the IECC 2000 without SHGC 0.40 is contingent upon local adoption. Eight jurisdictions have adopted the International codes, including IECC 2000 without tampering with the low solar heat gain low-e window requirements.

After an attempt in the state legislature to require the 2006 IECC for commercial buildings failed in the state Senate, a joint resolution established the 2006 IECC as the recommended code for the state of Alabama. Effective December 1, 2008, all new construction within the jurisdiction of the state building commission (state-funded buildings) was subject to the 2006 IECC, though residential and commercial construction were not yet required to comply.

Legislation passed on March 2010 authorizes the Alabama Energy and Residential Code Board to adopt mandatory residential and commercial energy codes as well as residential building codes for all jurisdictions not enforcing codes prior to March 2010.
