Leaders and Teachers ‘Go the Extra Mile’ to Transform Milwaukee’s Hamilton High

“Turning around schools is one of the toughest, and important, challenges we face in education,” said Jason Snyder, a deputy assistant secretary from ED, as he toured Milwaukee Public Schools’ Alexander Hamilton High School in May.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Jason Snyder discusses the transformation of Milwaukee Public Schools' Alexander Hamilton High School.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Jason Snyder discusses the transformation of Milwaukee Public Schools’ Alexander Hamilton High School with some of its students.

The school is in the midst of a transformation supported by a $750,000 federal School Improvement Grant (SIG) that began at the beginning of the school year.  The SIG has funded multiple programs to improve academic outcomes for Hamilton’s diverse, 2,000-plus student population. The projects have included an extended school day learning opportunities, professional development for educators, literacy coaching for teachers, and teachers who specialize in assisting students who are struggling with reading and math.

Hamilton also has a new leader. Principal Rosana Mateo has focused her firstyear focus on building stronger relationships with students, staff, parents and community organizations.

“Leadership is about relationships. If you don’t have strong relationships, you don’t have anything,” she said.

The early results are promising. Over the past year, proficiency for Hamilton’s 10th graders increased by nearly 16 percentage points in reading and 9 percentage points in math. Student attendance has increased, and suspensions have decreased. While Snyder agreed with Mateo’s assessment of the turnaround effort as a “work in progress,” he noted that “this is never easy work – especially in large, comprehensive high schools like Hamilton.”

“With courageous leadership and strong collaboration among staff, Hamilton is making a real difference in the lives of its students,” Snyder said. “What I heard from students is that they are more engaged and are being given an opportunity to succeed.”

For example, one of the benefits of Hamilton’s large size has long been its substantial Advanced Placement offerings, which enable high school students to learn college-level material and possibly earn college credits. Among Milwaukee schools, Hamilton has the 2nd highest number of students taking AP classes. Through SIG funding, AP students now have the opportunity to get extra support at school to succeed in those rigorous classes.

Violeta Curiel, a Hamilton senior, credited teachers for helping to inspire student growth over the past year. “They go the extra mile. They’re here on Saturdays, mornings and after school when we need extra help. They care about us, and it makes us really care about school.”

Visit Milwaukee Public Schools’ website for more information and to see more photos.

–Julie Ewart is the Director of Communications and Outreach in ED’s Chicago Regional Office. 

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4 Responses to Leaders and Teachers ‘Go the Extra Mile’ to Transform Milwaukee’s Hamilton High

  1. Charlotte says:

    It’s great to see all the exciting improvements that Hamilton’s turnaround plan has launched. The School Improvement Grant wouldn’t have helped at all, however, without the tireless commitment of teachers and administrators. This staff deserves our respect and admiration for their hard work. The extended school day, which allows for more enrichment and AP opportunities, is also a great step in the right direction. And the high number of students in AP classes suggests that students have taken full advantage of the new program. Let’s give this school a round of applause, and hope that the rest of MPS follows suit.

  2. Kelly says:

    I had graduated from Hamilton HS, I am so proud of what Dr. Mateo has done… keep up the hard work… MPS does a great has great potential….

  3. Libby says:

    Good for Hamilton HS!! MPS is trying! Everyone should stop bashing MPS. We go he EXTRA 2 Miles!

  4. Melissa says:

    Milwaukee Hamilton really improve because Dr.Mateo is very good principal and I glad she is the principal at milwaukee hamilton