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Selective Services Animate Gif Read Me:

This file contains instructions for two seperate methods of how to place the animated gif on this disk (register.gif) onto your web site and how to create a hyperlink from the image to the Selective Services Web site (

These instructions are written with the premise that the end user has a basic understanding of the World Wide Web and HTML documents.

  • Method I
    Editing HTML in a text editor (examples: WordPad, Notepad) to place the graphic.

  • Method II
    Using a WYSIWYG* or HTML editor (examples: Macromedia DreamWeaver, NetObject's Fusion, Microsoft's FrontPage, etc.) to place the graphic.

Method I
Editing HTML in a text editor (examples: WordPad, Notenad) to place the graphic:


a.) Identify the document in which you would like the image "register.gif" to appear.

b.) Copy the image file "register.gif" from this floppy ("A:" drive) into the same folder as the HTML document which you identified in step "a".

c.) Next you are going to copy and paste the HTML text in step "d" from this document into your HTML document.

d.) Select the below HTML code by placing your cursor next to the first line of text and dragging your cursor with the left mouse depressed so that the HTML is highlighted. <!--Selective Services Animated Gif--> <div align="center"> <a href="../hslink.htm" target="new"><img src="register.gif" width=150 height=124 alt="Selective Services High School Registration Page" border="0"></a> </div> <!--End Selective Services Animated Gif-->

e.) To copy the highlighted HTML code select "Copy" from the "Edit" menu in your toolbar.

f.) Now open the HTML document which you have chosen to place the image and hyperlink in your text editor.

g.) To paste the above HTML code, simply select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu in your text editor. Be sure that you have chosen the appropriate location in your HTML document for the image and link to appear. Be careful that by pasting the above HTML code you do not interfere with other HTML tags on the same page.

h.) In your Web browser, review the document which you intended to place the image and hyperlink. If the image does not appear, review your steps and make sure they were followed thoroughly.

Method II
Using a WYSIWYG* or HTML editor (examples: Macromedia DreamWeaver, NetObject's Fusion, Microsoft's FrontPage, etc.) to place the graphic:

This process relies on using your WHSIWYG or HTML editor's manual to instruct you on how to place the images on a Web site and creating an hyperlink to another Web site. The image which you are placing on your site can be found on this disk and is called "register.gif". Please create an hyperlink from the image "register.gif" to the Selective Services Web site (../hslink.htm). * WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get. Any "Drag and Drop" HTML editing tool.


Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System