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Building HOME - Appendices

The following links will take you to additional policy guidance pertaining to the use of HOME program funds.

  • I. OMB Circular No. A-87:
    Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments
  • II. OMB Circular No. A-122:
    Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations
  • III. Notice CPD 96-07:
    Guidance on Tenant- Based Rental Assistance Under the HOME Program
  • IV. Notice CPD 96-09:
    Administrative Costs, Project-Related Soft Costs, and Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO) Operating Expenses Under the HOME Program
  • V. Notice CPD 97-03:
    HOME Program Match Guidelines
  • VI. Notice CPD 97-09:
    HOME Program Income, Recaptured Funds, Repayments and CHDO Proceeds
  • VII. Notice CPD 97-11:
    Guidance on Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) Under the HOME Program
  • VIII. Notice CPD 98-01:
    Layering Guidance for HOME Participating Jurisdictions When Combining HOME Funds with Other Government Subsidies
  • IX. Notice CPD 98-02:
    Allocating Costs and Identifying HOME-assisted Units in Multi-Family Projects
  • X. Notice CPD 98-09: HOME Program Conflict of Interest Provisions
  • XI. Notice OHHLHC 01-01:
    Availability of Funds for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Grantees for Clearance Testing Required by HUD's New Lead Safety Regulation
  • XII. Notice CPD 01-05:
    The Use of HOME Funds for Projects to be Occupied by Children in Foster Care
  • XIII. Notice CPD 01-07:
    Instructions for Designating New Participating Jurisdictions (PJs); Reserving and Obligating Funds; Reallocating Funds; and Numbering HOME Investment Partnerships Agreements
  • XIV. Notice CPD 01-11:
    Environmental Review for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program
  • XV. Notice CPD 01-13:
    Commitment, CHDO Reservation, and Expenditure Deadline Requirements for the HOME Program
  • XVI. Notice CPD 02-01:
    HOME Program - Match Reductions for Fiscal Distress for Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002, and for Presidentially-Declared Disasters
  • XVII. Notice CPD 02-02:
    Notice of Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Jurisdictionfor the HOME Program
  • XVIII. M/WBE and Section 3
  • XIX. Labor Relations Letter 96-02
  • XX. Labor Guidelines
  • XXI. Relocation
  • XXII. HOMEfires
  • XXIII. List of Publications

Content current as of 16 July 2010   Follow this link to go  Back to top