Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies is Honored to Receive the 2009 Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award

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Today, Vice President Biden and Secretary Locke presented the 2009 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award to five organizations honoring their organizational performance, excellence and innovation. Named after Malcolm Baldrige, the 26th Secretary of Commerce, the Baldrige Award was established by Congress in 1987 to enhance the competitiveness and performance of U.S. businesses.

The Baldrige Program:

  • Raises awareness about the importance of performance excellence in driving the U.S. and global economy
  • Provides organizational assessment tools and criteria
  • Educates leaders in businesses, schools, health care organizations, and government and nonprofit agencies about the practices of best-in-class organizations
  • Recognizes national role models and honors them with the only Presidential Award for performance excellence

Anthony Brancato III, President, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies with Vice President Biden and Secretary LockeGuest blog post by by Anthony J. Brancato III, President, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies

Today is a great day for Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies. We are receiving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award from Vice President Joe Biden and the Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke.

Several years ago, Honeywell was at a crossroads in our FM&T business. Declining budgets and aging infrastructure threatened our ability to be efficient and responsive to our customer. Today is a powerful illustration of how that scenario has changed for the better.

We are at the forefront of helping the Department of Energy transform its national security enterprise. While at the same time, our mission has expanded to other government agencies with national security products to help fight the War on Terror. We found that the Baldrige Award’s greatest value was the opportunity to critically examine our organization and identify both our strengths and the ways we could improve.  It was tough, but there’s no doubt that the Baldrige Award process made us better, and more importantly our customer has clearly benefited.  

We have a saying at Honeywell FM&T….. Commitments Made, Commitments Kept. That’s not a hollow slogan. It is the way we do business at every level of the organization. Our people represent a tradition of passion and precision that is unparalleled, and we take great pride in keeping our nation safe and secure.  

Without a doubt, this Baldrige Award is a triumph for our employees.  But much more importantly, it represents a triumph for this nation’s security, our customers, and our communities.

Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies is one of five organizations that received Baldrige National Quality Awards at a Washington, D.C. ceremony today.  The other recipients are MidwayUSA, AtlantiCare, Heartland Health, and the Veterans Administration Cooperative Studies Program Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center.

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