Indian Ocean Tuna Commission - Commission des thons de l'océan Indien
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Welcome to the IOTC website
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) is an intergovernmental organization mandated to manage tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas. Its objective is to promote cooperation among its Members with a view to ensuring, through appropriate management, the conservation and optimum utilisation of stocks and encouraging sustainable development of fisheries based on such stocks.  
new Species Identification Guides
Identification Guides for marine turtles, seabirds, sharks and rays and billfish produced by IOTC in collaboration with SPC
Click here for Identification Guides for marine turtles, seabirds, and sharks and rays and billfish
new Meetings
The 10th Session of the Compliance Committee will be held in Mauritius from 2-4 May 2013

Click here for meeting information and documents

The 10th Standing Committee on Administration and Finance will be held in Mauritius from 7-9 May 2013
Click here for meeting information and documents
The 17th Session of the Commission will be held in Mauritius from 6-10 May 2013
Click here for meeting information and documents
The 3rd Session of the Working Party on Neritic Tunas will be held in Bali, Indonesia from 2-5 July 2013.
Click here for meeting information and documents


[Click here] to register for IOTC meeting


new The 2013/2014 meetings calendar

Latest News
new Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Symposium
[Click here] to access presentations made at the Symposium held in Mauritius in October 2012

Latest Reports
new Report of the 16th Session of the Commission (April 2012)
[Click here] for other documents of the commission meeting. [Click here] for historical reports and documents of the Commission Meetings
new Report of the 9th Session of the Compliance Committee (April 2012)
[Click here] for other documents of the Compliance Committee. [Click here] for historical reports and documents of the Meetings
new Report of the 9th Session of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance 2012 (April 2012)
[Click here] for other documents of the Standing committee meeting. [Click here] for historical reports and documents of the Meetings
new Report of the 15th Session of the Scientific Committee 2012 (December 2012)
[Click here] for other documents of the Scientific Committee. [Click here] for historical reports and documents of the Meetings
new Report of the 2nd Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria (March 2013)
[Click here] for other documents of the Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria. [Click here] for historical reports and documents of the Meetings
new Working Parties
new Report of the Performance Review Panel 2009

Collection of Conservation and Management Measures
new Active Conservation and Management Measures adopted by the Commission (updated 20th June 2012)

IOTC Circulars
new 2013 Circulars
01-13[E+F], 02-13[E+F], 03-13[E+F], 04-13[E+F], 05-13[E+F], 06-13[E+F], 07-13[E+F], 08-13[E+F], 09-13[E], 10-13[E+F], 11-13[E+F], 12-13[E+F], 13-13[E+F], 14-13[E+F], 15 -13[E+F], 16-13[E+F], 17-13[E+F], 18-13[E+F], 19-13[E+F], 20-13[E+F], 21-13[E+F], 22-13[E+F], 23-13[E+F], 24-13[E+F], 25-13[E+F], 26-13[E+F], 27-13[E+F],
new Older Circulars
2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

Quick links


Vessel record
Consult the Record of vessels authorized to fish in the IOTC area.

Designated Ports
Designated ports of IOTC Contracting and Co-operating Parties



Validation of IOTC statistical documents
A database of Institutions and Persons authorized to validate IOTC statistical documents.

Bigeye tuna statistical document summary reports
Summary reports of data collected by IOTC Contracting and Co-operating Parties in relation with IOTC Resolution 01/06

IUU List
Consult the list of IUU vessels.
  Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Symposium
Browse Presentations on Tuna Tagging Symposium 2012
List of scheduled and past meetings.

Browse and download documents published by IOTC.

Working Parties
Information on all the IOTC Working Parties.

  IOTC Record of Active Vessels
This spreadsheet contains the information reported by IOTC CPC's concerning IOTC Resolution 07/04 (Concerning registration and exchange of information on vessels fishing for tunas and swordfish in the IOTC Area).
Guide to IOTC data reporting requirements
A guide to assist members and cooperating parties meet their reporting requirements is now available. .
  icon to indicate database content Regional Observer Scheme
The Regional Observer Scheme of the Indian Ocean (ROS-IO).

Data submission forms
Forms for submission of fisheries data for tuna and tuna-like species to the Secretariat

  icon to indicate database content

Employment Opportunities with IOTC
Currently there is no vacancy at IOTC.


  Most documents are in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF 5) : get the free Acrobat Reader here.

questions or comments about this website? Send an e-mail to

last updated : March 15, 2013 / © IOTC 2001-2009