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Parking Stops

Commonly found in parking lots, parking stops are used to mark spaces and keep vehicles from rolling beyond a designated parking area. EPA's designation specifically covers parking stops made from concrete or containing recovered plastic or rubber.

Recommended Recovered Materials Content Ranges:

EPA's RMAN recommends recycled-content levels for purchasing parking stops as shown in the table below.

EPA's Recommended Recovered Materials Content Levels for Parking Stops Made from Concrete or Containing Recovered Plastic or Rubber1
Material Postconsumer Content (%) Total Recovered Materials Content (%)
Plastic and/or Rubber 2 100 --
Concrete Containing Coal Fly Ash -- 20-40 3
Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBF) -- 25-70

1Transportation products containing recovered materials must conform to the Manual on Uniform Highway Traffic Control Devices used by the Federal Highway Administration, as well as other applicable federal requirements and specifications.

2Parking stops made with recovered plastics may also include other recovered materials such as sawdust, wood, or fiberglass. The percentage of these materials contained in the product would also count toward the recovered materials content level of the parking stops.

3Generally, 20 to 30 percent, but could be up to 40 percent. Fifteen percent when used as a partial cement replacement as an admixture in concrete.

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Product Specifications:

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specification C595M-95 Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements specifies the appropriate mix design, including recovered materials content, for concrete containing coal fly ash and GGBF slag.

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Product Information:

Database of Manufacturers and Suppliers
This database identifies manufacturers and suppliers of parking stops containing recovered materials.

GSA Advantage!
Parking stops can be ordered through the General Services Administration's (GSA's) New Item Introductory Schedule. In addition, GSA publishes various supply catalogues, guides, and schedules for recycled-content products available through the Federal Supply Service.

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Additional Links:

2007 Buy-Recycled Series: Transportation Products (PDF) (7 pp, 89K, About PDF)
This fact sheet highlights the transportation products designated in the CPG, including parking stops, and includes case studies, recommended recovered-content levels, and a list of resources.

Technical Background Document
This background document includes EPA's product research on recovered-content parking stops as well as a more detailed overview of the history and regulatory requirements of the CPG process.

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