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Engine Coolants

Recycled engine coolants, also known as antifreeze, might actually be purer than virgin coolant because the recycling process reduces the chlorides that come from hard water. Testing shows that, like new coolant, recycled coolant meets nationally recognized performance specifications established by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).

Recommended Recovered Materials Content Ranges:

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Product Information:

Database of Manufacturers and Suppliers
This database identifies manufacturers and suppliers of recycled engine coolants and recycling and recovery units.

DLA Environmental Products
This is a list of environmental products offered by the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency, including recycled engine coolants.

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Additional Links:

2007 Buy-Recycled Series: Vehicular Products (PDF) (8 pp, 129K, About PDF)
This fact sheet highlights the vehicular products designated in the CPG, including recycled engine coolants, and includes case studies, recommended recovered content levels, and a list of resources.

Technical Background Documents
These background documents include EPA's product research on recycled engine coolant as well as a more detailed overview of the history and regulatory requirements of the CPG process.

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