Facility News

Another Kind of Rush in Alaska
Sep 13, 2012       
Summer time in Alaska this year brought a rush of visitors to the ARM Climate Research Facility Barrow site. North Slope of Alaska facility manager Mark Ivey hosted two prestigious groups of visitors: a Sandia National Laboratory leadership team in June and U.S. Department of Energy management from the Office of Biological and Environmental [...]

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ARM Developers Seek to Improve Data Flow
Sep 07, 2012       
Once a year, representatives from ARM’s External Data Center, Data Quality Office, Data Archive, and Data Management Facility gather with infrastructure management, scientists, and developers of data ingests and value-added products to discuss progress on infrastructure activities related to ARM data. In mid-August, the ARM Developers met at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to review [...]

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New Organization to Optimize ARM Radar Data
Sep 04, 2012       
In the past few years, the ARM Facility added 19 new scanning cloud and precipitation radars to its fixed and mobile sites. Combined with the Facility’s upgraded zenith-pointing radars, ARM now operates the world’s largest multi-frequency radar network for obtaining measurements of cloud and precipitation properties for climate studies. To ensure the quality, characterization, calibration, [...]

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Swapping Science with Korean Researchers
Aug 23, 2012       
In Korea, typhoons and heavy rainfall/snowfall often result in serious socio-economic consequences. To enhance their ability to predict and mitigate the damage from these severe weather phenomena, the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) is developing a three-dimensional network of ARM-like supersites for observing clouds, water vapor, and other meteorological components. On August 1, Dr. Kwan-Young [...]

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ARM Education Receives Seal of Approval
Aug 14, 2012       
ARM’s lesson plan, “Effects of Solar Radiation on Land and Sea” was recently selected for inclusion in the NSF-funded Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network’s (CLEAN) collection of educational resources. Receipt of the prestigious CLEAN seal means that the selected resource passed an extensive peer-review by educators and scientists to ensure adherence to stringent Climate [...]

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Collaborations in Atmospheric Science and Observations Discussed in Germany
Jul 10, 2012       
In early June, ARM personnel visited the University of Cologne in Germany at the invitation of Susanne Crewell, Professor of Meteorology at the university to explore potential collaborations between German research programs and the ARM Facility.

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