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Export Import Bank of the United States




Ex-Im Bank Opportunities in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Municipal Infrastructure Finance

Ex-Im Bank is in the process of expanding its sub-sovereign lending initiative to allow a broader range of local and regional governments to access financing for transportation, telecommunications, water, wastewater-treatment, health-care, energy, and other types of infrastructure projects. In August 2000, Ex-Im Bank announced a global program to support the purchases of U.S. goods and services by cities, regions and provinces without the requirement of a sovereign guarantee. The key requirement is a rating of "B-" or better by a major ratings agency, as well as a legal opinion from qualified local counsel indicating that such borrowings are legal under local and national laws.


Ex-Im Bank offers financing support to foreign purchasers of new and used U.S.-manufactured commercial and general aviation aircraft, including helicopters, under its direct loan, guarantee, and insurance programs. The Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft (OECD Aircraft Sector Understanding) governs the terms and conditions of Ex-Im Bank's financing support for aircraft. Ex-Im Bank also offers financing support to foreign purchasers of new and used U.S.-manufactured commercial and general railroad equipment.

Transportation Security Exports Program (T-SEP)

The international trading system is critical to U.S. economic and national security. Consequently, the U.S. government gives high priority to programs that bolster the security of systems that support the movement of passengers and cargo between countries. Ex-Im Bank has responded to the challenge with the Transportation Security Exports Program (T-SEP). This initiative provides enhanced financing support for U.S. exports that are related to international transportation security.

Ex-Im Bank will provide local cost coverage for up to 15 percent of the Net Contract Value and the maximum allowable repayment terms permissible under OECD guidelines for the sale of qualifying exports. (unless restricted by the Ex-Im Bank Country Limitation Schedule). These enhancements are intended to facilitate additional purchases of U.S. exports related to transportation security by international buyers. Eligible exports fall in one of two categories: (1) "Transportation Security Exports" or (2) exports related to "Foreign Transportation Security Projects."

Medical Equipment

The Medical Equipment Initiative (MEI) offers solutions to increase the export of medical equipment from U.S. companies to foreign borrowers that would likely not forward without Ex-Im Bank support. The MEI includes creative financing structures and enhanced coverage for newly established companies that lack the operating history or financial history necessary to meet our normal credit standards. These financing solutions may include local cost coverage for up to 15% of the U.S. contract value, extended repayment terms and the capitalization of interest during construction. To help determine if your company is a candidate for the MEI, please refer to the guidelines for submitting applications for the Medical Equipment Initiative.

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