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Insider's Guide: Get the most out of ferc.gov

Short on time? Need to quickly find information on ferc.gov? Here are links to some of the most important information available:

  • » For the most important breaking news, look under What's New, which is updated several times a week. Get real-time FERC updates using RSS.

  • » The Media provides quick summaries of the most important decisions. You'll also find Congressional Testimony and Commissioners' speeches.

  • » To download and print the latest actions from the Open Commission Meetings, look under Calendar of Events on the home page for links about the last meeting.

  • » For the large number of notational votes issued daily, view the Commission Meetings in the Calendar of Events, or Decisions & Notices in the Documents and Filing section.

  • » If you follow specific dockets, register for eSubscription. This free service automatically emails you materials related to the dockets you are tracking. You can also subscribe to News Releases.

  • » The Calendar of Events is your best bet for finding the when and where of FERC's many meetings, conferences, hearings, and scoping meetings and environmental site reviews. You can also view related notices, agendas, transcripts and presentations.

  • » For information on natural gas pipelines, LNG projects, and hydroelectric projects, whether they are pending or on the horizon, visit our For Citizens Projects Near You section

  • » Learn about how FERC is Addressing the 2000-2001 Western Energy Crisis. Make sure to see the Information Released in Enron Investigation.

  • » Want the latest on FERC's reliability activities? Visit the Electric Reliability page.

  • » If you file materials with FERC, consider eFiling. Avoid rush hour when filing electronically; morning and early afternoon are better times to file.

  • » To follow Commission orders in the U.S. Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court, visit our Court Cases section.


Updated: June 28, 2010