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Relocated Harriers


Relocated Harriers

Video by Cpl. Gregory Moore | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 09.26.2012

U.S. Marines with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 211, Marine Aircraft Group 13, 3D Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) relocate six AV-8B Harriers to continue conducting counter-insurgency operations, Camp Bastion,... View Video

Lt. Col. Christopher K. Raible Memorial


Lt. Col. Christopher K. Raible Memorial

Video by Cpl. Shelby Shields | Marine Corps Air Station Yuma | Date: 09.24.2012

B-roll of hundreds of service members, family and friends paying their respects to Lt. Col. Christopher K. Raible, former commanding officer, Marine Attack Squadron 211, Marine Aircraft Group 13, 3rd Marine... View Video