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Ex-Im Bank Environmental Exports Program:  Financing for a Cleaner Environment
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What Qualifies as an Environmental Export?

Exports qualifying for enhanced support under Ex-Im Bank's Environmental Exports Program include (subject to Ex-Im Bank's determination):

  • Exports for environmentally beneficial projects -- products or services for foreign environmental or renewable energy projects or facilities.

  • Water supply and treatment projects.
  • Products and services specifically used to prevent, abate, control, or mitigate air, water and ground contamination or pollution, or which provide protection in the handling of toxic substances and wastes.

The following list provides examples of transactions generally considered eligible for the Environmental Exports Program, subject to credit review and compliance with Ex-Im Bank policies, including U.S. content and the Ex-Im Bank Environmental Guidelines.

Exports for the following types of projects are generally considered eligible:

  • Air, water and soil pollution cleanup

  • Ecology management or forestry management

  • Renewable or alternative energy projects, including photovoltaic, wind, hybrid, biomass, fuel cells, waste to energy, hydroelectric, coal gasification and geothermal

  • Projects specifically undertaken to bring existing plants/facilities into conformance with current local and/or Ex-Im Bank environmental guidelines

  • Wastewater, sewage or waste treatment projects

  • Toxic waste or substance cleanup projects

  • Drinking-water treatment facilities

The following types of environmental goods and services are generally considered eligible:

  • Energy efficiency technologies and services to improve energy efficiency - learn more

  • Hybrid vehicles

  • Instruments to measure or monitor air or water quality

  • Emission or effluent pollution control equipment

  • Equipment for waste collection and disposal systems

  • Services to upgrade environmental regulations

  • Environmental assessments, ecological studies, environmental engineering and training services

  • Ecological monitoring equipment

  • Hazardous and toxic material handling devices

  • Water purification devices and wastewater treatment systems

What Transactions are Eligible for 18-year Terms?

Under an OECD agreement that became effective July 1, 2009, and is to remain in effect for a trial period of two years, the maximum repayment term for certain renewable energy and water sector exports has been extended to 18 years, irrespective of the OECD country category.

Renewable Energy:

  • Wind energy

  • Geothermal energy

  • Wave power, tidal and tidal stream power

  • Solar photovoltaic power

  • Solar thermal energy

  • Ocean thermal energy

  • Hydropower
  • Bio-energy: all sustainable biomass,* landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogas energy installations


  • Infrastructure for the supply of drinking water to households, such as water purification for the purpose of obtaining drinking water and distribution network (including leakage control).

  • Wastewater collection and treatment facilities, such as collection and treatment of household and industrial wastewater and sewage, including processes for the re-use or recycling of water and the treatment of sludge related to wastewater treatment and water recycling.

* ’Biomass’ means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste.

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Updated: January 28, 2010

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