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Value of U.S.-NAFTA Shipment by State of Origin and Destination for All Modes: 2005 and 2006

(Millions of current U.S. dollars)

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Ranked by order in 2006 2005 2006 Percent change
All U.S. states 789,537 866,099 9.7
Texas 126,590 141,027 11.4
Michigan 97,771 102,507 4.8
California 80,335 87,944 9.5
Illinois 42,735 49,769 16.5
New York 39,389 42,901 8.9
Ohio 37,100 40,475 9.1
Pennsylvania 23,108 26,794 15.9
Tennessee 19,768 22,099 11.8
Indiana 21,073 22,034 4.6
Washington 20,067 21,732 8.3
New Jersey 14,856 18,068 21.6
Minnesota 15,485 16,132 4.2
North Carolina 13,744 14,874 8.2
Wisconsin 13,266 14,860 12.0
Kentucky 12,681 14,646 15.5
Georgia 14,561 14,500 -0.4
Arizona 12,302 13,936 13.3
Massachusetts 11,524 12,416 7.7
Florida 10,949 12,105 10.6
Missouri 10,407 11,317 8.7
Louisiana 8,934 10,709 19.9
Connecticut 6,544 8,627 31.8
Iowa 7,697 8,440 9.6
South Carolina 7,362 8,148 10.7
Oregon 7,537 7,817 3.7
Mississippi 5,477 7,313 33.5
New Hampshire 5,970 6,949 16.4
Virginia 6,635 6,583 -0.8
Colorado 5,972 6,439 7.8
Kansas 5,058 6,143 21.5
Alabama 5,572 5,660 1.6
Maryland 4,801 4,913 2.3
Vermont 6,280 4,340 -30.9
Montana 3,692 4,304 16.6
Oklahoma 4,220 4,135 -2.0
Utah 2,813 3,219 14.4
Maine 3,793 3,218 -15.2
Wyoming 2,476 3,130 26.4
Nebraska 2,393 2,977 24.4
Arkansas 2,602 2,811 8.0
West Virginia 2,600 2,779 6.9
North Dakota 2,056 2,335 13.6
Delaware 1,667 2,123 27.3
Nevada 1,877 2,061 9.8
Rhode Island 1,946 2,044 5.1
Idaho 1,307 1,487 13.7
New Mexico 943 1,214 28.7
South Dakota 1,106 1,185 7.1
Alaska 770 984 27.8
Hawaii 153 198 29.7
District Of Columbia 126 141 11.6
U.S. State Unknown 31,447 33,538 6.7

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, TransBorder Freight Data, as of March 2007.

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